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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Impressive no doubt. Just not a good final round for fans. Brutal weather and a no brainer victory.
  2. Won’t be an ef1 like the May 2018 WCT spinner but impressive for the immediate shoreline nonetheless.
  3. Hopefully Jimmy is fine in his basement as he writes his new novel, “Awakened by My Bed Shaking.”
  4. Let’s beat down those fraud positive departures.
  5. We’ve been drier out west. I have a slope in the front that receives max sun exposure and my acidic soil hardens quickly, the cracks have been abundant. Aeration and lime in the fall, 5 year improvement plan...this is only year 1.
  6. I have no idea how much here. I need to install my weather station
  7. Should of stayed with your original call of meh but we’re happy. I’ll preheat the oven for you.
  8. That vanished quickly, luckily. Safe in Newtown.
  9. I hate this crap esp when you gotta drive in it. So dumb. Leaving in 20.
  10. Radar looking dangerous out here. Ride home will not be fun.
  11. We are jealous of your hair and your ability to completely derail threads.
  12. Big difference of temps at dinner a few miles up the GSP with trees and grass compared to the short term parking lot at the airport. It felt like a good 5 degree swing.
  13. No idiocy. Not edited. No worries. You can never judge someone by one passer by, agree. We all have our moments, I have many.
  14. I dropped off some fam at EWR yesterday at 5....holy asphalt heat.
  15. That’s what I just said lol. Did you read my second paragraph?
  16. Let’s take down trees onto trucks at BDL neighborhoods.
  17. This is when you see folks true colors...not when they have to be nice. It’s when they don’t have to be, who are they really? Although he may have had a bad meal and was grunting at his backdoor flaring up. You just never know, so I tend to give people a free pass until proven otherwise.
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