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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. It’s been a big relief it’s been nothing like last summer wrt dews and rain....and now the step down clock is ticking.
  2. Endless oppressive summer with no relief ‘til Halloweenie.....
  3. I like hot, but dry. Stating what I see on guidance. We’ll see.
  4. No signs of big heat to start Aug. EPS and ditty’s favorite GEFS show a relatively normal look with core of heat in the SW.
  5. Yea I thought it was higher. But is that a this century avg or since records began?
  6. Ah yea I was taking peak avg and applying it for the whole month. Regardless, another coc day today.
  7. There is no way my normal high maxes at peak climo is like 80 here considering I’m usually 4F cooler than that heat pad.
  8. Less ability to radiate leading to high mins. The high maxes have not been all that AN.
  9. I have a 60 degree wedge for the 50-70 yard shots but it’s obv a high trajectory. The soft pitches at those distances with a PW...not easy, agree.
  10. Did you guys see the Sergio video of him throwing his driver at his caddy during the Open? Another reason why I can’t stand that tool. From the “eating a bucket of fried chicken” comment about Tiger to milking his Master’s victory a full year later as if he is a dominant player. Dude has missed every cut at a Major since then lol. What a baby biatch.
  11. Use double ply with a wipe from the wife.
  12. We had +1 to +2 from north to south for the month. On target up there and if you factor in fraud readings at the runways for the south, we’re close to +2.
  13. Upper 80s heatwave yo. Be safe out there on your morning jogs.
  14. Lost in the spinner debris is the amazing stretch we are in. Enjoy it folks.
  15. Makes me feel better at least. I have shit soil and minimal crab. You had landscapers dump loam and hydro seed, and you’re fighting it? I dunno...I’d be pissed.
  16. Impressive no doubt. Just not a good final round for fans. Brutal weather and a no brainer victory.
  17. Won’t be an ef1 like the May 2018 WCT spinner but impressive for the immediate shoreline nonetheless.
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