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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Not a user friendly site, esp on mobile, but great content. Here’s a more zoomed in look at NNE: https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=local-Vermont-comp_radar-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  2. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=subregional-New_England-comp_radar-24-0-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  3. Another BN day down here. After this weekend, we have a lot of ground to makeup to reach those +5 calls by a senior weenie.
  4. Looking mighty torchy mid month+. The ACATT crowd have been warned.
  5. COC from all angles....Lisa Ann will be jealous.
  6. Still warm enough for beach goers but also perfect for any outdoor activities. Something for everyone.
  7. No correlation is that simple, of course. But we use what we can and what we have to make best educated ‘guesses’ on what may happen. What else do you do for season forecasting....just say “anything can happen” and call it complete?
  8. Damn, a weekend for the ages incoming. Get after it folks.
  9. Someone will be very angry when they sweat under 68/65 during their morning walk in the valley on Oct 1st.
  10. You have to find the highest positive departure site in the region and just use that as the baseline.
  11. Yea, hopefully it’s wrong. We prefer not to spend our free time and money cleaning up.
  12. Yes, the usual suspects warned of spinners and landphoons....so be safe chasing in your minivan.
  13. I wonder what the following winters where, after a summer of +qbo, -epo, -ao/-nao.
  14. We unfortunately cannot enlighten those who refuse to be enlightened.
  15. Or one that backs up to a private course.
  16. The heat will come back just in time for Nov 1 when winter apparently unofficially begins at BDL.
  17. So foking sad and depressing we have to be on guard at all times nowadays. My company recently had an active shooter training too. Like I’m prepared.....I guess I should be?
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