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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. You’ll still have your dewey days but they are out numbered by the coc monster. Times are changing, we move with them. Join us.
  2. It’s been a great summer, it had it all really. Now we begin to fade ever so slowly as we approach LD.
  3. Steve will be surfing until October claiming summer is still alive but retirees have that advantage. Most of us know the feel of summer is over as we kiss our kids off to school.
  4. You know summer is fading when you see sub 60f dews kissing New Orleans.
  5. I made July and Aug calls, it’s there. I was right in July for NNE but wrong in SNE. I originally had the highest monthly departures for Aug but that looks to be wrong as well even after the past couple days, nothing like July though. We may end up close to normal or a shade above. It’s all fun and games and I call it how my weenie feels it.
  6. It’s been a tumultuous off season, needs all the game action the jock strap can handle.
  7. So you went from 70+ dews as far as the shriveled weenie can see to moderate dews at times? awesome...we knew you’d come around, pre-gaming for Oct 1st.
  8. Majority in the region will be in the 50’s still, can’t touch this.
  9. This is an oldie but goodie: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2012GL051000
  10. So many low dews rest of month, nail in the coffin to any sustained HHH.
  11. 88/72, so dirty but we get clean soon.
  12. lol nah I don’t. Seasons are changing, endless summer is ending....I expect a typical wax and wane, bursts of torches into the first month of winter (Nov) is the new norm.
  13. Even though some change ‘their colors’ come Oct 1st, I prefer warm autumns. Like William said, save the cold.
  14. You didnt mention ‘oppressive’ humidity which is 70+, so my bad. Even a 75/70 day in Sept or 70/70 in Oct with a lowering sun isn’t all that bad anyways. We stepping down, all that matters.
  15. No doubt humidity has increased, agree.
  16. For the WOR crowd, definitely. Models struggling with it just like yesterday.
  17. Stuff is on my doorstep out ahead of it already. Meso’s have action and radar looks healthy.
  18. Yea so lets pray folks like ineedamage who live in the valley for a massive flood that just completely submerges everything and anyone below 200’. We’re rooting for him.
  19. I wish I did live further east for those often late blooming miller B’s. Those are more common than A’s or early blooming B’s...which are more ideal for us western sne folk.
  20. Yea you could see early on radar was beating meso’s. We needed it.
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