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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. I’ve lost a considerable amount of vision in my left eye from frequent left sided headaches. Call them cluster or migraines but I can see 20ft with my right and down to 2ft with my left. Scary.
  2. But yes, great post Tip. Processes foods can be a trigger for some. Exercise helps stay ‘level’ at times. Sleep. Meditation to relieve stress. All this stuff has helped me stay balanced and minimize those deep dark migraine attacks. 74/71. ‘Migrained’ from humidity.
  3. Swollen weenie...could be a winner with the wifey.
  4. Perfect weekend for the kids to crush futbol while you sit in the dad chair cheering them on. Good luck.
  5. Playing Pound Ridge this Sunday. Anyone in the area knows how hard this Pete Dye course is, especially for a 12 HC...I’ll have my hands full. Haven’t played much this season with a newborn so I’m going in with zero expectations. Pray.
  6. From people I talk to, everyone has different triggers and thus different solutions/remedies. I think that is why there is no miracle drug out there. It’s not a one size fits all condition.
  7. I have strange smells and I get my wife to notice/agree to no avail. I even purchased a top of the line CO2 sensor for the house because I could of swore I was smelling it at times. The funny thing about caffeine for me is, I need a tick but not too much. If I drink a large iced coffee, I’m screwed. Hard at times to find the right balance...esp when it tastes so good those mornings I need it.
  8. Mine are visual triggers mostly too. See, I can’t drink alcohol much because next day the left side of my face feels like I’m being stabbed repeatedly especially around the eye. I’ve been through the whole doctor thing. They had me on Depakote (forgot the spelling) which is for patients with seizures. I finally said in my early 30s, fok this...I’ll manage it somehow myself more naturally.
  9. I have chronic migraines myself. It’s gotten better (less frequent) over the years with acupuncture, meditation, cbd oil, and of course thc.....although some strains trigger them, go figure. So I have to be diligent with what I vape/eat. Feel better.
  10. Back that high pressure up in there girl and twirl it around for the boys to see.
  11. You soberly think 84/75 for more than a random day in Sept will happen as frequently as you say it will?
  12. Relief is coming shortly and here to stay.
  13. Except Wiz who’s first love of weather was seeing and hearing grey cloud rumble at age 4 soiling his diaper.....majority of us first weather memory is snow. That’s what initially drove us to the ‘obsession’.
  14. But this is what we said last night regarding your tantrums...they work. You have it down to a science. All love, no character defamation.
  15. An angry Bostonian with a shovel after two beers....lookout america.
  16. Do we still rain Friday on eps or did the boundary shift offshore?
  17. Exactly why he does it. EMA knows how to whine and tantrum their way for snow results, better than most.
  18. Nah, he’s a fan of your outside the box thinking esp in winter. As am I. Summer’s...notsomuch. Your boxes are always full of heat and moisture so we enjoy crumbling and tossing into the recycling bin.
  19. Just the best with everything. Don’t forget best fans too...and best beer at the stadium. Crown em right now. The best.
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