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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. I get my property sprayed by Tick Ranger. Only time I see ticks is just before the next application. They should reduce the intervals by spraying one extra time per season, my only gripe. Best money I spend tbh…peace of mind with kids and dogs.
  2. Enjoy the coc’d weekend homie.
  3. Yea. I’ve been in vegas during 100-105F days…I still prefer it over swamp ass heat here though.
  4. Dry heat at least. I prefer those than our 90/75 days here.
  5. Yup. Summer 2022 was awesome down here, like a desert. Summer 2023 was the complete opposite. Terrible, like a jungle.
  6. It’s time. 8wks of true summer before the mid August stepdown…
  7. COC and golf in June…just love to see and feel it.
  8. Surreal amount of COC. Enjoy it folks.
  9. He had his map of ‘Merika flipped upside down.
  10. He couldn’t get into the first round so he returns to college.
  11. Chilly atm but once the sun pokes through we’ll celebrate the COC again.
  12. It’s a really good design T2G with lots of unique holes but the greens are too easy so with the soft conditions players were attacking the flags on approach. They need to redo the greens if they want another major imo.
  13. Coming right into CT. 84 looks like the jack zone, again…
  14. Top 10er. Warm with low dews. Wish we could do this thru LDW.
  15. Life is outside right now and not on your screens micro analyzing…
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