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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Besides Scottie, who do you guys like? My plays are Morikawa and Hideki then a couple dark horse darts in Burns, Im, and Henley.
  2. High noons are the best tasting hard seltzer's out there too. No other brand comes close. My wife won’t drink Truly’s or anything else.
  3. Yes. Nice layout. Lots of different holes. Played it two years ago during the 2022 drought so it didn’t look the best but still played fun…
  4. Man #1: It’s really steamy out. Are the burgers ready? Griller: yea this is great. I just flipped them. Hey, can you place a cool towel on my backside real quick, I got some sweat trickling down… Man #1: this is the best summer ever!
  5. The only activity one can do in 90/75 stuff is pool/beach. Everything else is awful unless folks enjoy burly men sweating profusely while grilling burgers on the deck…
  6. It’s been a great stretch for those that enjoy outdoor activities. Eventually that ends and any yardwork can only be done very early in the mornings while afternoon soccer practices need two ply on standby…exciting.
  7. Your location can have significant difference than mine in May/June.
  8. School ends tomorrow and I realized there weren’t any heat days announced by the district. Usually there is stretch where they either let out kids early or provide notice to stay hydrated and dress comfortably. That hasn’t happened. It’s been a great warm-low dew spring for sure.
  9. Warm Sept and Octs don’t have the same summeh hhh bite though. All I’m saying. So AN is fine. AC’s are not going to be running in Oct…
  10. The only gas powered lawn equipment I have left is the ride on mower. Will eventually go electric/battery when it craps out on me.
  11. Yup but We’ll only get like 8wks of HHH though. Just a bit longer than our winters lol but still way below south/midwest summehs.
  12. The dude is lost as usual. Tries too hard to be Ditty Jr…
  13. I’m playing sunday but I’ll play Monday…just depends on what time. Shoot me a text with details if you end up booking
  14. Another COC’d day and night. It’s been a fantastic spring.
  15. Somewhere in western CT a winter predator howls in anger…
  16. I have plenty of pollinators as I’m redoing the mulch beds and planting beneficial flowers. But ticks…nah. I spray.
  17. What a terrible feeling it must be to be outside with kids and pets on a weed and tick filled lawn. Yuck.
  18. I have a friend in town with 4 kids and his backyard is backed by woods. He’s a cheap ass and believes in letting nature do it’s thing. Well, his 8yr old daughter was having a skin issue in May. These giant red circles began showing up all over her body. They took her to the ER and sure enough, a tick born disease. Nature will eat you alive if you allow it…
  19. There are plenty of other insects around because the mixture is predominantly cedar oil based, eco friendly. But regardless, my kids and dogs health is more important than any insect species.
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