Yea we get these shots of low dews pretty regularly thru the week of 7/4 that gets everyone off their sticky couches…and gathered outdoors with high fives and fist pumps. The true HHH comes in July though thru mid August. And If the WAR stubbornly sets up then we can go in prolonged stretches of swamp crotch.
Yesterday and today are a beauty. We had our annual company outing this week and the folks from Georgia were enjoying the coc yesterday while being defeated they never have summer days and nights like this…
Yea warm but not oppressive for outdoor activities. Played oxford greens yesterday, only got in 15 holes before the storms, but it was choking humidity when the wind was calm. Not enjoyable.
A good t storm tutorial for those that want to know more: dry air aloft is,a sounding displaying convective instability.
Even the greatest players can struggle and lose a tick of something, whether swing related or mental, and suddenly look like just another player. Crazy game.
Yea. They’re getting invasive here digging under my front porch creating tunnels from one side to the other. I tried discouraging the area with non lethal home remedies but they refuse to relocate.