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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Yup. So much to do with manageable dews. Was Finally able to wind down tonight after being out and about all weekend.
  2. We filed a complaint as did other parents. They have water there but it’s a large property so groups can be far away at certain times. We requested they have more water coolers stationed kind of like a golf course.
  3. Yea. My son had heat exhaustion on Tuesday and ended up stayed home Wednesday. The camp neglects to station water coolers around the big property for some reason and they have limited amounts of shade. Memorable summeh…
  4. You can try to bend the knees to HHH but deep down we know who you truly are.
  5. Yea I use JG and they claim 3 months. Next year I will lay it down twice but I’ve been tied up (when the heat and dews break) working on a rebedding project so I honestly have not given the lawn my full attention. It’s acidic so I need to work on raising the ph and building the turf instead of blindly doing the annual 4 step program. thanks for the heads up.
  6. I’m actually surprised I don’t have melonoma. Decades of sun exposure without protection…growing up being outside all the time during the warm months without sunscreen, I used to get burned all the time. We just didn’t really protect ourselves back then. Nowadays, my kids don’t leave the house before camp without me or the wife layering them with protection even though they have darker skin (the wife’s complexion thankfully).
  7. I have cancerous cells on thy skin that I get removed. No thanks to direct sun anymore.
  8. Light at the end of the muggy and dirty tunnel beginning to appear in the LR…
  9. Yea that’s how I see it. Lock in 6-8 and loli’s with more like this summer. 2 in June and 4 in July, looks like. We’ll see how much we get in August.
  10. Luckily we only get like 6-8wks of this nasty stuff. I couldn’t live in a climate that deals with it longer.
  11. Crabgrass invasion. The Pre emergent in the spring clearly did not work…
  12. There is weather that’s between 90/75 and 45F rains.
  13. Climo steps down and you can start enjoying the outdoors again.
  14. Unfortunately the WAR ain’t going anywhere permanently. Some boughts of coc but I expect first half of Aug to be more of the same sweat bath.
  15. Yea terrible. Dews down cocs out end of the week though. It coming…
  16. If only summehs weren't so muggy and wet, sure. there’s been a lot of indoor time lately which isn’t any better than a rainy winter.
  17. Yea then climo starts stepping down gradually until we hit 40s and rain in Jan. Great times.
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