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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. You are very lucky The wolf is resting in his den right now…
  2. D10 jacks are always fun. But seriously it wouldn’t take a lot to lift that up the coast looking at H5. The OP showing anything from a whiff to a southern hit to a NNE bomb is within the realm of possibilities.
  3. That was a good show. Best event of the winter.
  4. Better. Just don’t waste this h5 with cold/dry…
  5. You wonder how bad it is has to get before it gets better. You think rock bottom was hit until you hit something lower…then you see an epic pattern that makes the best Brooklyn animations and but quickly realize he was sent down my mother nature to simply perform another cosmic COC tease dancing on your lifeless body.
  6. I tracked it on models and radar and silently observed the posts in here. It was painful but lived vicariously through it. Still, it was an overnight quick hitter. Obviously wouldn’t complain but something about long duration cold storms that do it for me.
  7. #1 of all time for me. 28” in CNJ. Duration and how cold it was will never be surpassed imo. Not sure I will ever get a 30”er…
  8. 1/6 is shot. Maybe it trickles back to something moody but lets not eff up 1/10. We need that one.
  9. Beers in the hippy valley flowing freely.
  10. Lol yea that would bring out the best of me. Jan 2015 anger that’s been buried by years of gummies suddenly resurfaces in the conscious from one gfs run jacking brett and scooter.
  11. I know it’s the gfs op but you have a triple phaser that just missed and given that models historical tendency to slap streams together like a couple men overlooking each other in nearby stalls at a NJ turnpike rest stop…it’s not a bad spot to be at this time.
  12. We have big discrepancies within our region…when you’re excited and PF is posting pics, that’s usually bad news here.
  13. 10-12 is ripe for a biggie. I actually like the fact the gfs doesn’t show an ideal phaser at this lead time but h5 doesn’t get any juicer.
  14. Talking about snowcrazey. it’s all just for fun imo. Anyone who spends time on here should.
  15. All good. He hasn’t learned to let his hair down yet.
  16. I would hate to see the apatt folks be broken though.
  17. He wants someone to tell him it’s going to be OK lol. If he has bare ground by 1/15, he’ll need the APATT team lead to check on him.
  18. Just follow your pack leader and you’ll be fine.
  19. Yea. This looks like a big window which will help if we shoot a couple blanks early on.
  20. Folks need to prepare that while h5 looks great and many fine animations will come from a Brooklyn hot dog stand…the chance of a lackluster stretch wrapped with wolf attacks may just be what happens.
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