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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. We just don’t know Fish. We don’t.
  2. Go with the snowiest model bruh. That’s worked very well this decade…
  3. Stein keeps on ticking, ticking…into the future.
  4. So many kids running around with only so much energy their dad can give.
  5. This makes wolfie roll around in his own poop. Very happy pup.
  6. Oh yea Ray will go wild and blog about it.
  7. She slipping. Euro is like 1-3” but otherwise steined through the entire run. Rat lurking..,
  8. Congrats Monterrey Mexico to New Orleans to Savannah.
  9. Maybe individual overrunning events happen more often then I can remember but prolonged overrunning patterns with several systems…I can only remember 94 and 13.
  10. It happens like once every 20yrs. I’ll believe it if and when we’re inside D5.
  11. D7 navy analysis…deep winter of 2025 rolls on.
  12. Something is always coming. We just don’t know what, when, and how. But one thing we do know…is that it is.
  13. Post the snowiest maps obviously…
  14. Yea. Second half of Feb looks warm. Hopefully an early start to spring.
  15. Cold and dry. Chapped lips and bums.
  16. We tried to tell ya pre season but yes, folks need to see it and experience it for themselves before they resign from the APATT team.
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