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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Kev, get that lawn thread going. Staring out into my yard as it looks like an army fatigue footprint. Gotta kill the crabgrass this season.
  2. Yea deep winter..with pages of sled talk and pics of men huddled around diner tables.
  3. You just gave the cop a little boner in his cruiser.
  4. Yes I know my climo. Meteorology over weenieology. Take notes.
  5. Good luck with perfect phasing in this regime.
  6. I never trust the pony’s surface depictions anyway. I just look at its h5 trends.
  7. @MJO812 Is central park in the single digits again this season? Last two winters were which was the first time in recorded history…might as well make it 3 in a row. https://www.weather.gov/media/okx/Climate/CentralPark/monthlyseasonalsnowfall.pdf
  8. Give it 5 days and Ant will say “another good storm that we lost.”, this winter sucks” while everyone else except ineeddongs is outside cleaning their lawns.
  9. Yea true. Just bustin. It’s nice to see some folks enjoy deep winter within 250 miles of emaatt.
  10. Lol thanks PF. I think it’s time to split the region into nne and sne. It’s two completely different climates…
  11. The BK cop just requested PTO for all of DJF.
  12. Big snows are always 10 days away and big winters are always 10 months away.
  13. Yea once the 3/8 ‘threat’ fizzles, it is off to the races.
  14. 3/5 will cut and 3/8 will be wide right…but, we just don’t know yet.
  15. Phew…priorities. Back in the closet you go then. MAW.
  16. You can come out now and be free. It’s 2025.
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