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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Southbury, CT

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  1. Yup. We were in our own cocoon insulated by cool air for the first time in like 5yrs lol.
  2. How many BN winters have we had this century compared to AN?
  3. You just wonder if all doors and windows were left open to let the breeze in…
  4. Not only bet on a hit but location and size too. Even the amount of casualties. Come on DK. Put down like a $5 parlay on a hit, location, and 5m loss of life at +4500000000 odds.
  5. Back down to 1.5%. Like a euro head fake: https://www.livescience.com/space/asteroids/nasa-changes-odds-of-the-asteroid-hitting-earth-in-2032-yet-again-but-this-time-its-good-news
  6. We here in western ct need a 20”+ event next winter…
  7. Oh yea lets rely on timely advecting airmassses now that the cold dome dissipates.
  8. you’re a WATT bruh. You get weenied for just posting…
  9. both gefs and eps hold onto “winter” though through first week of march. We’ll get a tiny event or there just enough to tease but not enough to please.
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