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Everything posted by radiator

  1. Enjoying it here... (until I lose power, that is)
  2. It was pretty intense short burst of thunder and pouring rain through here, then quiet... The fireflies are now out in force.
  3. Occasional thunder to the east in mid-Litchfield County - second day in a row...
  4. Yep, just heard thunder in midwest Litchfield county along with a brief burst of raindrops - radar shows blossoming rain showers... (looks like a string of pearls) - I’m happy...
  5. Interestingly, the WX Underground forecast for NW CT shows chance of thunderstorms on Wed for each hour from 8 AM through 2 PM, which seems to be a bit earlier than the late Wednesday afternoon and early evening "pre-game" show timing mentioned above.
  6. A flurry of flurries reaching the ground now in southwestern Litchfield County (Washington Depot) - elevation is about 750 feet - temp is 35 degrees
  7. I'm watching this NASA feed - along with about 2 million other viewers - at
  8. Forgot about the Mars rover Perseverance landing until just a few minutes ago - it's getting close, and everything is 'nominal' so far...
  9. About 750 feet above sea level, on the side of Mt. Tom...
  10. All snow here now, even see the beginnings of it accumulating on the grass and tree branches...
  11. Heavy, wet flakes coming down, but mixed with heavy, wet raindrops. 35 degrees here. Mid- to southern Litchfield county - a few towns south and west of Goshen, probably slightly lower elevation.
  12. While the real-time lightning strike map shows furious activity all around me, I'm not actually seeing any flashes - low, continuous thunder in the background, heavy downpour, wind not so strong...
  13. Lost power almost two hours ago - drove to the office in Washington CT - power here is iffy, network is on UPS until that runs down, but lighting is on commercial power (and flickering every few minutes). Tried to report my outage to Eversource via web and then by phone, but it seems that their systems are not up to the task. Can not complete the automated account lookup to make the report, and can not get through to a humanoid when I do have phone service. But some people are reporting outages, according to the outage map at: https://outagemap.eversource.com/external/default.html currently showing 144,700 customers affected (11 percent of their customers). 3:40 PM Eversource outage number over 166,000 in CT
  14. Looks like there's currently an impressive rate of lightning strikes per minute in mid/southern New Jersey - from lightningmaps.org
  15. Seems like there is some lightning in my town (according to lightningmaps.org), but haven't heard any thunder yet - sky just opened up with a cloudburst...
  16. Bright sunshine warning here! (no rainbows or pots of gold detected yet)
  17. A few lightning strikes creeping across the border into upper Fairfield County (he whispered, in an attempt to not scare it away from coming closer)... The 'special weather statement' tends to confirm that... (I do see the red box down near Yonkers)
  18. It looks like I finally have my Arduino "Playing With Fusion" lightning sensor board hooked up and ready to go. https://www.playingwithfusion.com/productview.php?pdid=22&catid=1012 I've only had this thing kicking around in my home electronics lab since, oh, mabye July of 2018. It helps just a bit if you actually take the time to wire it up correctly (yeah, who wudda thunk it). I have a bad tendency to take my toys out of the box and try them out right away without spending enough quality time reading through the source code. But I've corrected my errant ways (at least for this project). Now all that I have to do is wait patiently for the storm to arrive. (Easier said than done...)
  19. While it's still snowing here in Litchfield County, with big, fat flakes coming down, accumulations are nothing like what's happening North and East of here...
  20. Yeah, what he said... (wait, wut?)
  21. Eversource outage map for CT: https://outagemap.eversource.com/external/default.html Have had brief power glitches so far... Will be surprised if I don't lose power and internet before this is over...
  22. Time to dust off my arduino-based lightning detector circuit (that I couldn’t get working last year)...
  23. And here I thought it was just IMBY when I heard the loud thunder - only to find that it's lighting up all over New England...
  24. Thunder heard. Looking forward to summertime t-storms. 46 degrees with a cold rain falling here... Radar shows the heavier stuff to my south (and lightningmaps.org confirms that's where the lightning is).
  25. Snow just started falling here in Washington Depot, CT (Litchfield County, NW CT). 21 degrees, elevation is about 750 feet, no wind to speak of. Small flakes coming down. Lots and lots of small flakes. It is quickly sticking to and accumulating on both ground and pavement.
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