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Everything posted by radiator

  1. Nobody told me there would be thunder. (Well, there's not very much of it, and it's not particularly loud, either.) Still, pleasantly surprised.
  2. I haven’t heard any thunder yet but it sure looks like the lightning strikes are headed in this direction… OK - spoke too soon - first thunder heard… Pretty tame - is that all there is, or will there be a second act? (he wondered, wonderingly)
  3. Yep, also flipped to snow in Washington Depot (Litchfield County).
  4. Currently 39 degrees and rain in southern Litchfield County (Washington Depot) - but the snow is tantalizingly close and seems to be inching towards my direction.
  5. And, as expected, just as quickly the rain has tapered off to nothing, with the wind roaring in its wake…
  6. And the line hits here (Litchfield County) - furiously pouring rain, windy, but no thunder (yet, anyway)…
  7. @Spanks45 by any chance is that 6 mil plastic UV-resistant greenhouse film? How much snow load is “too much” for that? Is the poly film the weak point or is it the hoop strength? Or does it mainly depend on the hoop spacing?
  8. Well, that was different… NWS Emergency Alert on my phone with snow squall warning, about five minutes after it ended here and the sun started poking thru the clouds. (I doubt that they really know my actual location)
  9. It is definitely snowing here IMBY in Washington Depot, CT (Litchfield County), just barely coating the ground - elevation about 750’ and temp is 28F
  10. Actually, I’d prefer Tainted Dub to Tainted Love. (Wait, wut?) Now, happy Groundhog Day…
  11. Watching some of those darker bands on the radar headed in this direction reminds me of staying up all night in Feb 2013 and not believing what I was seeing - was living in Easton, CT at the time, had over 30” IIRC - should have gone outside and shoveled it off of the ‘portable garage’ in my yard rather than watching the radar, as the heavy accumulation turned that thing into a mass of twisted steel tubing and canvas…
  12. 33 degrees in Washington Depot, sounds like liquid instead of pinging. Wind is annoyingly loud. Going back to sleep for another hour.
  13. Winds are whipping, pings are pinging - looks like sleet coming down, 31 degrees in Washington Depot CT, still good accumulation of snow here.
  14. It wouldn’t surprise me - while here in Washington Depot it’s not all that far from Winsted on the map, there often seems to be a world of difference between the on-the-ground totals here vs. there. FWIW, currently 22 degrees and snow accumulating (but I’m too tired and lazy to open the door and walk outside to measure - before the snow started falling there were still some patches of snow on the ground here and there, but much or most from the last small accumulation had disappeared by sunset).
  15. Typhoon Tip — That’s actually pretty poetic - nice…
  16. This is the Bantam River (CT) from last winter: Then last month a huge oak tree came crashing down across the river: But after about five inches of rain last night, the raging river swept it away downstream: Mother nature is scary, huh...
  17. Still dark outside, of course, so can not see the Bantam River that passes by my house, but the rushing water is loud... Louder than I've ever heard it. But have not lost power, and haven't heard any trees come crashing down for a long time, the radar here is clear, and there is a cool breeze coming through the window...
  18. Hearing the sound of more trees crashing down - no way to know exactly where in this darkness, but at least so far no damage or power outage here.
  19. Just heard frightening rumble, must have been a nearby tree coming down - still have power and it did not hit the house, so much relieved - but certainly nowhere near over yet…
  20. Not much in the way of wind in this section of Litchfield County (so far, anyway), but the turn to the NW was expected to bring rain here, and sure enough that’s happening… (Washington Depot, near the town of Litchfield)
  21. Obviously not a ‘primary’ source, but I’m a sucker for visualizations like this one of Block Island winds: https://www.windy.com/?41.168,-72.677,8 Reminds me of sci-fi movies where someone pulls out the stopper from the Atlantic Ocean and then everything starts swirling around the drain…
  22. That tornado warning in NJ was just based on radar but not observers?
  23. OK, after watching the heavy stuff pass to my north and then to my south, this area just got warned - radar shows a beeline from there (with hail, no less) to here. Will Mt. Tom deflect this one like it seemingly has all of the others in recent days? Guess I’ll have to stay tuned to find out. Is the red green mixture in the super res velocity plot (New Milford one and also upper NW one) the rotation you’re describing?
  24. It looked worse on the radar and lightning map than it was IRL Hit with a big gust of wind, few heavy downpours, brief power glitch, then took its leave. Enjoyed it nevertheless…
  25. Looking out to the west, the lightning bugs are furiously flickering as the actual lightning slowly makes its approach… (Litchfield County, CT)
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