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Everything posted by radiator

  1. Guess that there are a bunch of us in or near ‘the Litchfield Hills’. Maybe had a tad more snow here yesterday than Canton/Simsbury since my elevation is a bit over 700 feet. Looking forward to some more Wednesday.
  2. I’m kind of enjoying the January thunder, though…
  3. Wind has started to sound like a freight train - lost power for a minute but it came back. The Eversource outage map and reported numbers are still smallish (about 4,000 statewide), but that is double what it was less than an hour ago. (Checked again and it climbed to over 6,000 - and based on the radar overlay even bigger winds are on their way now.)
  4. So, what, if anything, does this portend for possible thunderstorm activity on Friday? It seems that earlier it was hinted at as a strong possibility, but now, not so much.
  5. While my preference is for Japanese, I’ve had some decent dim sum in the past, so I won’t knock it. Snow is sticking to the grass here - need a bit more time and intensity to fully cover the road, but no doubt it’s on the way.
  6. Ominous blue sky and sunshine here. Oh, wait...
  7. When the bulk of it passed through here (Washington Depot, central Litchfield County in western CT) there was a period of heavy rain, lots of lightning stikes shown on the lightningmaps.org map, but only one near enough to shake the house, brief power fluctuation, but not much in the way of wind. Still raining, but the edge of the rain is approaching quickly (according to the radar).
  8. That was the stroke rate reported by lightningmaps.org (using the blitzortung.org detection network) for the storm over northern NJ at one point yesterday when the storm was extremely active. It was not claimed to have been witnessed by eye by a human observer on the ground.
  9. The lightningmaps.org map was displaying rates in excess of 400 strikes per minute in that New Jersey storm - wow...
  10. I wondered who was responsible for that blob on the radar that was mostly raining in-place Seems like it may have a slow northward drift but I doubt that I’ll see it here (at least not anytime soon)…
  11. Surprised by a lightning app alert - from eastern NY Seems to be intense there - but not quite sure that it will come anywhere near here
  12. It’s only a few towns away from me but I didn’t even know it was there. I have a sister who is an accordion enthusiast (and player). I wonder whether she even knows about that place. Thanks for posting about it…
  13. I 'seent' it... Nice, but can't unsee it.
  14. Where might be a good vantage point in Danbury for viewing incoming storms? Near the mall? Or the corporate park area on the hill to the east of the mall? Or Danbury Airport? Or?
  15. At least in Washington Depot (Litchfield County CT) it looks a whole lot more impressive on the radar and the lightning map than it does in reality.
  16. Just saw that warning - it’s only a few towns away from here (Washington Depot) - when the most intense part of the storm went thru here a few minutes ago it was kinda ‘meh’ - maybe a few miles and local terrain makes a big difference.
  17. Is that photo using HDR? It has that 'HDR feel' to it... I like it... I haven't been to Mohawk Mountain since maybe 2017 or 2018 but I think that I know exactly where you took the photo from...
  18. Thunder and rain just to the west of me... Caught me by surprise...
  19. I always look forward to your heads-up threads about upcoming potential severe WX. Whether or not they actually materialize, a guy can always hope, can't he?
  20. Strange to be hearing pinging here - surprised…
  21. Mayday mayday mayday… Um, well, not really an emergency, never mind…
  22. The lightning map shows strikes just now appearing in the extreme northwest corner of CT.
  23. Not exactly the traditional pattern for a haiku, but: When there is the chance for convection Clearing through the mornings Equals afternoon severe thunderstorm warnings
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