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Everything posted by Porsche

  1. In all honesty, I'm extremely grateful for what we've seen over the last week or so. I love these little storms that just creep up on us. Heck I don't think anyone would have predicted seeing snow falling 3 times over the last week even as Thanksgiving approached. Just goes to show you, (imho) that because something isn't modeled a week out doesn't mean we can't see snow. For me this is 10X better than last year. Side note, I'm happy to see the juiced up systems that keep popping up. Keep the faith!!
  2. Got 2.19" in the rain gauge and about .75 of snow.
  3. A few flakes flying around here at Shady Maple, ( and no the flakes aren't my co-workers )
  4. Almost 3/4 of rain this morning. Thanks to @Mount Joy SnowmanI moved my gauge in a more open area and now I got accurate measurements.
  5. Dang it, I knew that was going to be an issue, grrr!! Now I'll have to find another spot to hang it. My tempest went offline and sometimes that can be a bit on the higher side. Thanks for pointing it out, now back to the drawing board. Ha Ha!
  6. Hey I appreciate it, I'm glad you mentioned something! It's actually facing north west. You can see where I have the 1st picture listed with a "P" and that is where it was hanging which would have been facing south, hence the possible rain shadow from the NW. The other picture is where I had it last year before the fencing got removed, (which I believe is a more ideal location". What are your thoughts?
  7. I'm in New Holland, and I have my gauge setup and I've thought it was very low too. Saturday into Sunday I only measured .16 and most of the day Saturday it was dry from about mid morning on. I've wondered if my gauge handing on a poll is impacting totals, but yesterday I did measure .70. IDK
  8. Corrected the original post. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. Got .68” in the gauge in the last half hour and still pouring.
  10. I made out pretty good last night, .70 in the gauge. Now hoping to be seeing some severe today.
  11. Not much here, wind and .05 in the gauge. Feels nice out though!
  12. Got 1.21" yesterday, thankful for the much needed rain.
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