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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Absolutely wonderful Space Weather year.
  2. How do you know the surface weather is boring? Most of our recent posts are about Space Weather
  3. Looks like Sunday is going to bring in something other than endless sun and mild temps!!
  4. Yeah it was brief but much better than nothing last night. My niece in Alaska sent some awesome pictures north of Anchorage last night!! Last couple days I have been using my eclipse glasses to see the Sunspots as a couple have visible to the naked eye with the right protection of course!!!!!
  5. My wife HS friend lives in Sarasota. Maybe I could convince them for you to be a house sitter ...
  6. K-index has been increasing. Some areas should be seeing the Aurora. Unfortunately clouds have moved in here for a bit. Hopefully they will move out sooner than later!
  7. Last night was very quite. Unfortunately it is not looking so good but there remains some hope for tonight:
  8. Aurora are always hard as the incoming data is very limited until they start but there are a lot of positives for this event. The sunspot position and CME timing was basically perfect as it was directly earth facing when it occurred. Plus there was a good CME with it that looks like it was directed at earth. The event from a few days ago seems slower as nothing yet from it but it still possible tonight. The coming event I would not predict it to beat the May one, but it definitely could as the May sunspot was not in very good position as it was about to rotate out of view the next day. This ranks as #15 in the top measure events using X-ray flux. 14 X-ray flux measured events greater than this one. Most of them the CME's were not earth directed or only glancing blows at best. The ones more directed/Earth facing had CMEs that were mainly not directed toward Earth with one of them the CME was pretty weak. Don't get me wrong some did produce good Aurora so I am not knock them. I love this stuff!! I am really look forward to it but know to keep tempered expectation with Aurora
  9. I was watching this unfold today and thought some would like to know. From Solarham.com:
  10. Top notch stretch weather into the first weekend of October:
  11. I just surpassed the entire month of September precipitation with one 20 minute shower on October 1st.
  12. I agree. I just wish we could get a couple morning below freezing dabbled in so that the leaves are done before November. What's interesting about October, for me personally, I don't have any 'October's to remember' that really stick out for me. I.e. An October month that I would love to repeat. Yes there are some specific October events especially around Halloween. All other months I can think of at least one special month in each that I would love to repeat but not Octobers.
  13. It is so dry here. I cut the lawn last Thursday for the first time in 3 weeks. It looks like I just cut it today. I will say it has been nice not to be concerned about much lawn maintenance!!
  14. Rain total for September a whopping 0.4". I am one of the driest locations in Michigan
  15. Misery loves company!! Unfortunately, even the 0.31" I got was so spread out it didn't help with dry conditions at all. October is looking to start off mild and dry here too.
  16. Event total that past 3 days = 0.17". Might get a couple hundredth tonight but nothing more based on radar. Local bust for me but many areas did much better. September total = 0.31". Each model run seems to be trending drier and keeping this tropical system just south of here. Hoping it changes as I know the model do like to change but not counting on it. September may have been my best summer month of 2024 with countless sunny warm days. Of course I was only home maybe 4 weeks total all of June, July and August.
  17. Wife is in Tampa and suppose to fly back on Friday. That's gonna be interesting!!
  18. Awesome to someone getting great rain in Wisconsin and surrounding areas. Remnants moving into this area but not looking like anything all that exciting. Nice to see at least see a bit of rain. It has been a long time since I've seen anything like Madison got the past 24 hours. Congratulation Madison friends.
  19. No rain here today. Next chance Sunday evening into Monday.
  20. Some active storms around your parts today!!
  21. Sadly when I was going through southern OH and West Virginia it is so much worse then here!!! Thankfully the models are showing some precip!! Though I must say I have been enjoying the extended nice weather days
  22. Interesting that it says none for my area. Based on soil moisture, lake level, stream flow and the near by pond that I monitor (see it every day I walk the dog), it is more like D1 here. I know my area is drying than several of the surrounding areas as the last few systems missed/went around here by a couple miles. I willing bet that is why.
  23. Drove through Columbus area last weekend on my way to Virginia Tech. It was definitely brutal from Columbus through West Virginia!!!
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