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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. A storm the models haven't disintegrated into nothingness within a couple model runs!!
  2. This is just some thought and not directed toward you. Just something I think might be impacting this conversation. Part of the issue: "2013-14 and 2014-15 were the last good winters." This might be very true for some areas (I don't know as I don't live everywhere ). But where I live this is not true. Yes 2023-24 was HORRIBLE. 2017-18 was Flint's snowiest winter. There have been several awesome events in the past 10 years around this area. My point being that everyone perspective is different based on your location and the events your location is getting. I recall a few years ago I was getting 2.5" of rain in a thunderous crashing thunderstorm. Just 10 miles away it was sunny and not a drop. Depending on your location can make all the difference in the world to your perspective of the weather!! In the end right now for me this winter is not wonderful but it also has not been that bad. But I will absolutely agree it has been horrible in your area and I know it has been for a few years now.
  3. As do most of those who do these social media posts. Considering that is basically the main thing most weather geeks want (i.e. historic events), they are just appealing to the majority of their audience.
  4. Or image these winds after a solid ice storm
  5. PL/ZR event. Nothing overly exciting. Models showing snow here were wrong.
  6. Thankfully there is hope to at least get some covering with this next system. I still have a glacier IMBY but a nice fresh covering would be nice!!!
  7. Very nasty icing here this evening. My driveway was covered by 1/8" of ice. We had heavy fog and drizzle all day. Now that temps are below freezing the past several hours with RH still around 100%, the driveways and back roads have become horrible.
  8. Ditto here with snow cover length. We lost half today. Now havea solid 2-3" glacier.
  9. And we underperformed here with expect highs in the mid-40s but only got to 38.
  10. Maybe 1/2" here at most. Currently have 4-6" on the ground.
  11. I believe you will have some good snows coming up; hopefully something major.
  12. I love this area too. The NE corner of Livingston/ NW corner of Oakland, I specifically choose to live. I honestly sold my last house for a big loss back 12 years ago ( during the crash) and moved here. Haven't regretted it yet. To be honest I go to Fenton most as I am closer to Fenton than Howell Note: I finished with 2.5" on top of my 2" glacier.
  13. It was awesome but sadly over. Got a good 2" out of it!! It was a cake snow too
  14. You guys are right!! I am not sure why we even do a Medium-Long range discussion tread. Such a waste of time!!! We should just have an current IMBY thread and maybe a very short range one!!
  15. Solid SN+ here right now with silver dollar flakes falling. Solid rain event with 1.5" of rain recorded at Howell airport.
  16. Been definitely watching this; there could be some real fun times in the not to distant future. I would post/discuss things like this more but it was made perfectly clear to me that several on this site think stratosphere, MJO and other teleconnections are worthless.
  17. My comment was in regards to the pattern we were in (i.e. if that would have continued). Since it isn't continuing and we are getting more stormy it will be difficult to get high ice % with this new pattern with the up and down temps and lots of wind. Going to be interesting to see if we can go above average for ice in the end. I personally think we will make a run at the end of February/ early March. Would be pretty remarkable considering the lake temp warmth going into November. We'll see.
  18. It was a wonderful SUN filled weekend. It was awesome to walk around on the lake with the dog in full sunshine 2 days in a row. Ready for the pattern change!!
  19. Always fun to have the models active with storms. Sign of something big on the horizon in the region
  20. Only a 1/4" here but still nice to have some snow falling on and off
  21. Additionally, the GLs influence will greatly diminish if we continued much longer with this NW strong cold flow. Ice cover is growing. Time to go to the casino pattern and take our chances
  22. I have learned to just smile and wave with all the negative talk about cold. When the directly ask me and I tell them I actually enjoy cold days, they look at me like deer in headlights. They know I am a weather geek but it still amazes them every single time.
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