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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Happens to me all the time. Best storms seem to hit MBY when I am on vacation. Like you say it can be unnerving when something major is happening at you house and all you can look at really is radar. I ended up taking all the trees near my house out so I didn't have to be concern about a tree falling on my house when gone.
  2. What if it is still snowing in Saukville?
  3. I am considering going to Indy then. Yeah the clouds have been a problem for us with Auroras. Sadly the clear nights with possible Auroras have underperformed.
  4. Up until yesterday we still had a good 25% of the area with few inches of snow cover but the yesterdays rain and warmth now has it to just a few strongly shaded areas and of course piles that have snow remaining.
  5. I was bummed to that it was cloudy last night. As you say there should be more opportunity coming!!
  6. There has been a bit of a SE trend. I wouldn't be surprised. Lots of storms along the front in the OV. The warmth typically struggles to get as far north in March and April. We'll see but I would not be surprised if there is a bit of a SE trend.
  7. Going to go all the way down the Keys this September (anniversary) ... hopefully no Cane.
  8. One can only hope but there are many times those warm fronts get caught up around I96. Those wonderful days of where it is 70+ in AA and 40s in Fenton. If I were to get t-storms out of it then no complaints but they usually pop along the MI boarder to my south. As Powerball said sounds like typical MI Spring!!
  9. Next couple weeks look miserable. Thunderstorm south and snow north with MBY being the chllly snizzle zone.
  10. Heavy rain with storms to the south and east. Heavy snow to the north and west. Basically dry slotted IMBY I will pass on this storm
  11. My area gets a good amount of LES. Coming from Macomb county and moving to Livingston County it is night and day with LES!! It has a lot to do with the hills from Ann Arbor to Lapeer as there are many times we do better than Lansing were it is flat. Flint doesn't do as well either as it flat around there too but the it does better than Detroit.
  12. Actually did rather well for March and lake effect. We had a 30 minute squall go through just before lunch that put a 1.5-2". Ground was completely white again. March Sun came out for a bit and started doing its dirty work even though it is only 21F. Now getting a bunch of intense snow showers which a couple have put down a quick 1/4"-1/2". It is cold out there.
  13. Fun times. It makes me happy to see Superior snow!!!
  14. Kind of funny, as this year could challenge 13-14. That year was basically opposite with temperatures.
  15. No worries here. I got a big 'L' right on top of MBY.
  16. I have seen many April winter weather events (Quick 3 of the top of my head ... Major Ice followed by 7" of snow April 2003, 15" April 2005 and 9" April 2009). It is common to see flakes fly into early May in MBY. I always warn people who get excited about an early April warm up and tell them: "Do not to forget they live in MI. Let's get to May 10th and then we should be safe from snow until October. If we are lucky we will be done with snow well before May 10th."
  17. I am not looking forward to this weekend being cold and snowless
  18. Wow some area's got 40'+!! ... try 40"+ This area is just too far disconnected from the Oceans to get those type of totals outside LES belts.
  19. I don't see this coming far enough south to be any help for us other than a mild 50F rain(with possible Thunder) to a cold 35F rain (miserable). I prefer the possibility of thunder at this point But yes I agree there has been a very noticeable south trends (with slight north bump right at the endgame).
  20. We have a pretty solid snow look here. 4-8" on the ground (a bit less in the blowing and more in drift areas of course). We still have a few inches from the big dog (never lost it all) in many areas. In fact there is still some sleet from the sleet fest storm in shaded areas. If you got ride of all the melting I would have a good 20" on the ground since the second ice storm.
  21. Throwback. I was cleaning up some old links. Who remembers this one.
  22. Past couple days have exceeded my expectations. Looks like mid-Winter (should have looked) outside!!
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