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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Crazy cool Strawberry Moon with the smoke filled sky.
  2. Glad I am on a well so we can easily water the garden. Too much lawn for me to even bother with the positive being I save gas money as I don't need to mow much!!
  3. Wasn't just dry grass as there were many farmers around here that were impacted.
  4. Wow articles about events I have lived through. Yep I know these details quite well. Still does change the there was a severe drought in my area as stated in my above posts.
  5. Guess the drought monitoring groups don't know what they are doing. They had a L = Long term right over Livingston county into much of the thumb for several months and finally removed it mid-April. 1988 was only a couple months of drought for this area by July normal or even above precipitation fell. While it was a hot spring in early summer I remember the worst of the drought being out west with all the Yellowstone fires.
  6. I had a drought all of last spring started Nov 2021) until this March (2023). 1/4 of my lawn died/never recovered. I only mowed 4 times all last year.
  7. If it wasn't for the March 31st event my family might put me on watch!!!
  8. Hopefully! The solid blue sky was so nice to see yesterday!!! True sunglass weather . Looks like they have more rains expected over the next few weeks; nothing extreme but it should help.
  9. I hate drought conditions. Definitely my least favorite weather.
  10. One mans trash is another man's treasure.
  11. Sitting in the mower for a good couple hours. Over ear NC headphones jamming some tunes. Then with the beautiful fresh cut lawn, sitting in the lawn chair and have a brew on a sunny 80+ degree day.
  12. Yeah things really got going in mid-June that year. Hopefully we can get a similar pattern change for this area.
  13. Sadly it was windy, cloudy and cool today here. Tomorrow looks top notch 75/sunny/wind under 10mph!!!
  14. After about a 1/2" of rain here yesterday the pollen was very much down today. It truly felt like a breath of fresh air.
  15. Perennials and Native plants ... True Annuals ... False
  16. Interesting topic. Michigan has plenty of corn fields and foliage so the difference there is negligible. Great lakes and front timing definitely have a bit to do with it. My observations is pattern in which drought/dry areas have a lot to do with it. When the OV and upper Mississippi valley are dry to drought conditions then MBY tends to get great thunderstorms (2021 is a great example). In simple if IA, IN, IL and WI are having a rocking summer then normally MBY isn't. When they are complaining in this banter thread about dryness are normally my best storm summers. No it is not always a sure bet to work out that way (it's the weather). I look for a specific pattern that works more times than not for MBY.
  17. Unfortunately this is pretty typical for this area. Occasionally we get going in May but more times than not I have found that T-storm season for our area is around/after Memorial Day weekend. Kind of like snows in October into early November. Yes it happens but don't count on it . I consider any good t-storm activity IMBY prior to Memorial Day as bonus activity.
  18. Kept saying that all last summer ... Still waiting
  19. Although with stacked upper lows you will get rounds of showers and storms. But honestly I want some good nocturnal training events!! Looks like it might be awhile
  20. We are now entering the debris cloud season in SE MI.
  21. I love how quiet it can be around here. Even better would be Bo's location
  22. Best part of dirt roads is they keep the big city folks away. Works like Deep Woods Off and mosquitoes
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