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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. While I am not near ready to stick a fork in the summer, I will say that the smoke in MI has been abysmal. Many people in MI have been impacted. Several events canceled as hospitals are dealing with several respiratory patients. Even the Governor issuing/emailing statements to everyone.
  2. It is nice. Got some rain but heavy stuff just missed MBY.
  3. No kidding!! Hoping that stuff in SW MI holds together as it gets here. Any precip would be nice.
  4. Continued wet south like that is usually a bad sign to the north. We shall see though as this could just be a pattern change process which later July and August might have better results for the northern areas. At least it's more active and all I need is a renegade storms like Alek is getting this morning
  5. Awesome. I am now just over 10 years without!! Absolutely agree it is one of the best decisions my family has made. I came back to the forums as the kids are now college age and sadly we have less family fun times.
  6. Yeah gonna need to mow Friday before the 4 day 4th weekend. Green is so much better than brown!!!
  7. It is fun to see. Very happy with the rains the past 24 hours. It is great not to get it all in less than a hour but rather in a way it has soak down instead of mostly run off.
  8. I have a couple UP trips planned in July and August. Looking forward to it!
  9. We also noted the winds today. I sure not as strong as you got but it really hasn't been windy the past several weeks.
  10. Yeah pretty common for the fast moving lines of storms. Got about 3/4" around here. I much prefer nocturnal training storms. I will say I don't mind missing out on the tornadoes.
  11. Got some good rains. Lots of flashes and rumbles. Happy with the results overall. Clouds with the line were fun to watch roll in too
  12. Your golden!! That cell developed and to my west and went right to Fenton!! Completely predictable. Brighton the next target!!
  13. Many will do great I am sure. I am not calling this a bust as in fact your area should do well. This type/timing of development and storm path normal leads to the line coming across the state. The heavier cells aim for MBY will split around Howell or westward. Send a piece to Fenton (just to my north) and another toward Brighton. I'll get some rains and hear a bunch of thunder. Then as it moves eastto the east as it explodes over Highland. Sure it doesn't always do that but ~75% it does with systems this storm path. We shall see!
  14. Sun finally came out at 3:30pm. Enjoy every one getting storms. Seen this story 1 too many times for my back yard. At least we are finally getting a good event for many in the forum.
  15. 84.7F on my system. Dews around 60. It felt hot in the sun as this was one of the hotter days IMBY this year. Plus we were outside all day!!
  16. I think you will do okay. I know what you mean about the warm front/ nocturnal events. It's crazy how few there have been the past few years.
  17. Crazy as the dew points here have been in the mid-60s today. It has rained since ~9AM this morning (mostly light but I will take it ).
  18. It is very nice to see/get a good rain. While not a ton but definitely a good start.
  19. I would take it. Over 3" QPF IMBY.
  20. 90% agree. But I do admit there is a fun adrenaline rush watching a Derecho coming on radar for some hours and then getting blasted by a major severe storm. Yeah the aftermath and possibly days without power I wish we could somehow avoid that part of it.
  21. Humidity was definitely much more noticeable. There were some some isolated showers northern Oakland county. Might be some more this afternoon.
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