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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Well they have occurred throughout the years. Wild fires are a yearly occurrence and not anything new or recent. Not every year do the winds/patterns bring them to everyone's backyards. Location of the fires in Canada this year with the weather pattern made this one especially long / bad for the GL & NE.
  2. Looks very accurate for MBY. Dark green at around 125% with many surrounding areas in the blues with around 200%+. I am surprised it has caught the local hole I am experiencing. But at least it's wet unlike last year which was extremely dry.
  3. It crazy how some storms are loaded with CC lightning. Deep red on radar right on you. Sky looks like the 4th of July grand finale but no CG to be seen.
  4. Yeah that is all it was hear too with a grand total of a 1/2" of rain. There was one line heading this way with some CG but 3 miles prior to hitting MBY then it all went silent. Howell got it. Then the big rumbles 10 mins apart started. Too much too early in WI, IL and IA for a great event in most of MI. As usual SW MI got clipped and then the heavier storms hit lower counties into IN and OH. Glad it was basically what I was expecting once I looked at radar before going to bed. The storms I got in 6 days of vacation in the UP were better than what I have seen around here.
  5. Got home and found todays high here 88 on the station. Still only one 90 degree day (7/5) all summer IMBY.
  6. Classic. I am beginning wonder if we will have the curse of the flood watch occur. The point and click keeps decreasing. Now down to quarter to half inch for tonight. Not gonna have any flooding with a half inch! Heck any puddles would be gone by morning.
  7. Love this heat and humidity. On vacation in the UP and have had 3 rounds of thunderstorms in 36 hours. Sadly vacation is over. But looks like I'll be home the possibility of storms tomorrow evening
  8. Bo looks to be in line for a good storm.
  9. Really fun thunder right now. Lightning fulling the sky with very loud rumbles that last 30 seconds to 1+ minutes. Music to my ears.
  10. On the other side in the Porcupine Mtns today. Such wonderful weather Storms in the morning. Sunny low 80s. Storms expected tonight here (evening for you).
  11. Popup camper. Off the ground which is great but still the tent feel.
  12. It had some winds to it. Looks like the strongest was just to my south. Getting good rains now. Okay lightning but with all the trees I can only see flashes. I am not right on the lake in the campground (set up the trip to late for a lake site).
  13. That line of storms coming off LS is about to move through my camp.
  14. Right there with you. I have only seen a handful of CG. Nothing close (we had a couple a but I was looking the wrong direction of course). I am also waiting for one of those great CG events. Nocturnal training events are my favorite. 15-20 minute severe weather events are definitely fun but couple hour nocturnal events are what I prefer too. Sadly they have been MIA in our area in recent years.
  15. Yes there was severe weather. The overall results where an underperformer compared to the majority of the the potential that was being modeled. He is not belittling the areas that were hit but rather pointing out it was expected to be much worse.
  16. I'm not upset about this one not being there today. I don't think my family knows how to run the generator Friday evening looks pretty good for some good thunderstorms.
  17. Just poking some fun. I know it's disappointing to miss out on good CG. Just look at my screen name . July has been so much better than May/June. After living in several locations I have found that some years you win and others you're just not ground zero. There are still 2-3 months of potential ahead. August and September have some of my favorite Thunderstorm event memories.
  18. I am excited MBY is getting decent rains while I am out of town. Hopefully my neighbor will cut the lawn before I get home I know the rest of my family won't
  19. Nearly every system has found a way to put red+ blobs on radar right on Grand Rapids area As I type this Grand Rapids is getting hammered again. I am not sure you will be happy unless your house has been leveled by a EF5.
  20. Well. Looks like I missed some of the same as always back home.
  21. Porcupine Mtns Edit: At least I can get a report from the family about the storm.
  22. Got 80s in the Porcupine Mtns today
  23. Nooooo. Smoke is coming back. I see it in the forecast for Houghton MI tomorrow afternoon
  24. I have found certain set ups are needed due to the 300'+ elevation changes. Today's storm movement was much better for MBY. Once the line got through Lansing I was very confident it was going hold for MBY based on the trajectory.
  25. I believe/hope the ring of fire will be active to help keep the heat in check some.
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