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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Wow. Got a really nice Tstorm this evening. Was not even watching radar as I wasn't expecting anything until tomorrow.
  2. I refuse to follow anyone who doesn't know the UP is part of MI and the USA.
  3. Agreed. My area just had a big beating!! One of my trees only has about 1/3 of the branches left. We might just take that tree down. I didn't get power back until Monday evening. I think that was the longest I have been without power that I can remember (well non-generator power that is).
  4. Agreed. I know some on the forum have had plenty of hot weather. I have only been in the 90s once. Plus I have a couple more projects I want to complete too.
  5. Made down into the mid/upper 40s over here a few times now.
  6. Today really feels like an early fall day here with temps only in the 60s. Glad we have more heat coming. As always hoping we can get another storm outbreak! Some of my favorite storms have occurred in September
  7. Time you to take all the climate crap to the Climate Change section or start you own fear mongering thread. Can the moderators please stop having the threads filled with this climate crap?
  8. If it performs like the last heat wave I will love it. Ring of fire gets going and the temps don't make it as far east as projected.
  9. Had that happen to me before chasing. Now I just stay home unless I chase storms several miles away that clearly will not hit MBY. Yes the thunders were house shaking. Several friends and neighbors have commented about it. 2 nights in a row of lack of sleep. Sorry if my typing is a bit out of sorts. Very tired as it has been a long few days. And I am still 100%on my phone. Hopefully they will fix the multiple power lines down (can't wait to send pics) tomorrow.
  10. The was cell on top of us we had very strong winds southerly in nature and then the line coming in in from the west northwest merged things swirled and northerly strong winds. When they merged on us the winds came from various directions. Looking around the is a very distinct path about a 1/4 mile long of damage running ENE. Tree damage is multidirectional in this area. Today we finished cleaning up all the mess. Burned a ton of leaves, branches and wood.
  11. If you look up Spicers Cider Mill on Clyde Rd. I live a bit NE of it. We spent all day cleaning up. Still have some work to do tomorrow. When I can get back online (not on my phone) I will post some pictures.
  12. We are wondering if there was a funnel or small tornado came through. Damage is not uniform / similar direction. Some areas it is one direction other areas different direction. There looks like a path as some houses on the lake are not even touched even though they have willows and cottonwood trees (no damage at all) while we have maples that are 1/2 gone now a willow that was leveled by us. Likely will not get power back until Sunday at the earliest. AT&T tower is out so me cell service is sporadic (no sure when this will even post).
  13. Yeah. That happened to me earlier this year when there was a tornado warning and I wasn't home but my family was. You feel helpless
  14. That was one intense storm. Large tree branches down all over the place. Lost power as I watched one of the branches take out the power lines at my neighbor's house (100' away from my house). Watched my kayak and paddle board fly up in the air and into the lake. Power of mother nature is just awesome. Tomorrow is going to be a big clean up day!!! I'll need to find my kayak and paddle board. . Thankfully I have plenty of gas for the generator.
  15. Hey the warm front is here!!! I might finally get above 82F.
  16. I was on the northern up edge. I could tell many cells were basically initiating right over head. I got several 10 second huge rain drop downpours tons of brilliant CC lightning overhead but only ended up with a bit over an 1" of rain. I would have loved to have gotten that that 7.36" total. So close but yet so far . It was definitely enjoyable last night
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