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Everything posted by Sled

  1. April brings in forsythia, daffodils, perrywinkle, magnolia, peepers, and if you're deep in the valley maybe even some morels. I'm not one to rank months but April is pretty great in my book.
  2. Was watching that band of rain from my deck. Blue sky right behind it, beautiful stuff
  3. You can just get new glass. You should be able to take out the old stuff from the inside. Probably a standard size.
  4. Is there any space in between the drip edge and gutter vertically where the fascia board is exposed without an aluminum strip shingled below the drip and into the gutter?
  5. Sounds like he wasn't much the thinking type. Water has been doing the same old thing to gutters longer than he or you or I have been alive. Sucks there are those guys out there giving a bad name to contractors. It's hard to say from just a picture though. I have trouble seeing water coming down the siding just from that little piece of aluminum missing. Id look at the wall inside for any nail pops on the sheetrock, water stains anywhere. Look up at the subfloor in that area of the basement. Could be a can of worms. Hopefully not but don't wait around for it to fix itself.
  6. On second glance its hard to see if you even have any drip edge... And maybe it's just the picture but a few rows of shingles next to that valley look a bit lifted. Hopefully you know a decent roofer who can take a look at it in person.
  7. Your roof doesn't look that old so there ought to be two rows of ice and water up from the eave and one running down the entire length of that valley. There could be something there with an incorrect method of shingling the layers or someone skimping on materials. One thing you could check before ripping up your entire valley haha is how the drip edge to gutter detail was done. Most of the time there will be a space vertically between the bottom of the drip edge and where the top of the gutter starts. Some guys will just slap the gutter up with no regard but the proper way is to take a strip of aluminum and slip it under the drip edge then over the top of the back of the gutter if ya follow. That way any water that drips off the drip edge will have only one path-into the gutter. Good luck. Roof Is the most important part of your house.
  8. Always something to whine about.
  9. Wet spring promotes fungus growth which in turn kills gypsy moths.
  10. That's one of those things where it seems like a great idea all winter but when it comes time to do it in the spring there's always about 10 things ahead of it on the list lol. It was on my list for years until I had to do it to dry a bunch of 8/4 ash that the nearest commercial kiln wouldn't do until it air dried for a year.
  11. Thanks. I had the glass from replacing all the 1970's sliders on my house so it just worked out. Have enough to do another one from other glass I've collected. Feel free to ask questions if you ever get around to it. Took me about a week to build it and I think $3500 at the height of plywood costs. That includes the cost of the trailer which I had already and a brand new Wagner moisture meter. Spent a little more since then too. Added diesel powered heater I can hook up at the end of the cycle to sterilize. Frankly, if you're a hobbyist I wouldn't bother. It's been a real asset for my business though... As long as the sun is shining anyway haha.
  12. @kdxkennot trying to clog the obs. thread. I bring logs and buy lumber from a friend of mine who is a sawyer in Windham. This one had to be on a trailer for a few reasons but I'd like to build another one not on a trailer and maybe dabble in selling hardwoods. Mostly as an excuse to hoard lots of beautiful wood. Couldn't fit it in the kiln today but this last load I brought up included some really nice ambrosia maple. I love wood.
  13. Yep. Just the sun. Gets pretty hot in there though.
  14. There is a knoll with some big pines to the NW does a little blocking. Mountain Dairy behind that though so the wind comes ripping down that hill since it's all open. Best storm since I've lived here was Isaiahs since it came from the south. Watched the wall of rain come from Lebanon, consume Willi then deluge. The valley was convulsing from those winds. Watched my big double hickory fall down one half at a time in that.
  15. Just taking issue with wind chills in the teens. There was a light breeze at times. I spent the first half of the day loading my kiln with wood and the afternoon doing metal roofing over my new air compressor set up outside. If it were more than a light breeze I wouldn't have done that. That part of the view is SSE. Link in bio for what I do.
  16. Tell me more about this protected hollow
  17. Have you been outside? A bit of a breeze but wind chills in the teens? I worked outside all day today, I though it was a very nice day. Sun warmed ya up nice.
  18. You're a troll in good standing in my book for whatever that's worth. I messaged dendrite a screenshot of it. Not sure if that's the proper route.
  19. Are you associated with this clown in the dms?
  20. Airplanes are way worse emissions wise if you care about such things. Somehow it's always the folks who feign concern over CC who seem to be living the jetset life. I'd rather drive both my big loud diesel trucks and actually do what I can in my own way than just tsk tsk folks who have bought into a culture of trucks, however lame it may be that they've turned into commuter vehicles.
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