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Everything posted by Sled

  1. Didn't realize you were talking about one particular place.
  2. The ash trees are all dead from the emerald ash borer. There might be a few left here or there but maybe you don't see many because eversource was very aggressive in having them cut back from the roadsides in the last 5 years before they died and became hazard trees. I'll give you 5 dollars if you can go outside today and take a picture of a live ash tree in tolland.
  3. I had several morel spots that grew around ashes that have since vaporized as well.
  4. Yea, sucks. Only a matter of time before yours are too. It hit home they were all gonna go about 5 years ago when asplundh took down the giant ash tree I walked by almost every day as a kid after getting off the bus. Wasn't long before they were all dead in my home town. I've got a couple hunks of 3' round of the butt log of one from my buddies house to mill up. Hopefully I get to it before the real bugs.
  5. I understand it might be cloudy in mass but you can't tell me my weather when I'm standing right in it. There's been a few clouds, sure, but it's been mostly sunny beautiful May day. Lilacs are just starting to bloom. Saw some Jack in the Pulpits.
  6. Been a beauty all day. A bust for morels for me though
  7. Does anyone have a point and click ground temperature map type thing?
  8. Can everyone agree that it was a nice day at least?
  9. Beech are smooth barked and very gray. Ash have a distinct weave to their bark. Ash also has opposite branching as opposed to Beech which is alternate.
  10. My birches and maples have just started here. Some of my cherries and apples are pretty much all the way there. Beech, oaks, hickories just buds. One big red oak on my hill started a little early. Found a decent little chestnut tree today... And a handful of ticks.
  11. No frost herenever said what I planted anyway... Carrots and radishes are plenty frost tolerant. Get sowing, it's a beautiful day.
  12. Generally, I'm not looking for Norway maple. I got the logs from my buddy for free was just going to use it for shelf banding and drawer boxes but when it got sawed up it revealed this wonderful spalting. Pretty stunning stuff. Better than using it for firewood.
  13. Stradivarius supposedly used it in his violins. I'm doing a kitchen right now out of Norway maple. Some nice spalting to it.
  14. People that haven't planted yet are sissies
  15. Gtfo here my strawberries are already flowering, this can't be
  16. It was pretty warm this morning. I wore a shirtsleeve and worked with the shop garage door open all day, never bothered to look at the thermometer though.
  17. Everything is in bloom, I grilled ribeyes tonight. No fire in the wood stove, embrace it... Spring time is here. I've got my first flower on my strawberries for Pete's sake
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