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Everything posted by tarheelwx

  1. Can you elaborate more on the 18z Euro? Any change in temps? Does ice teach RDU or CLT? Triad or thereabouts still with a bullseye? Thanks in advance! TW
  2. Any thoughts on why RAH left Davidson and Randolph out of the watch? Out of 6 or 7 models, 100% give warning criteria ice to at least part of the county. Seems like a no brainer to me. TW
  3. Pulling for sleet, but heading out to try to find a new bar and a couple of chains for my chainsaw. TW
  4. Assuming the 850's are 10c, how would that impact accretion vs a storm with 4c at 850? Assume the surface is 30. TW
  5. Poimen showed the 06 Euro with a period of plan rain midday on Thursday before going back to zr. Maybe that mid day break can have a significant impact on total accretion. TW
  6. I suspect watches will begin to spread out just a bit with the afternoon package. TW
  7. That was my second "saving grace". I've seen it happen plenty of times before. When it happens, it often kills the wedge. TW
  8. For those of us in the Triad, out of the ICON, RDPS, NAM 12k, and NAM 3k, the one with the least amount of ice is the NAM 3k and it has .45" of freezing rain by 7am Thursday morning. If other models tonight show the same/similar, it might be time to have a game plan for power outages. Saving grace could be sleet, rates so heavy that much of it doesn't accumulate, Miller B with a dry slot, or maybe the temps are modeled a couple of degrees too low. TW
  9. 18z ICON if anything is just a touch colder. Keeps CAD areas of NC aob freezing the entire event. I'm not buying it, but it does have me paying attention. TW
  10. I agree. Need to get the NAM within 48 hours or so. TW
  11. Can anyone post the 00z Euro ice map for comparison? TW
  12. Can you provide some guidance on how you read that sounding and how you know it is sleet? The warm nose looks awfully warm and thick. Thanks in advance. TW
  13. At this range, I'm looking more at trends - I see the RDPS is just a little little colder on Thursday, and so is the ICON. TW
  14. GFS says the threats come back next weekend (3/1 or so). TW
  15. Marginal temps definitely have helped out. Still almost 50k out of power in the triad. TW
  16. Probably getting close to 1/4” on trees here. TW
  17. Scratch that about roads being fine in Greensboro. Yes, market street from Colfax to UNCG was fine, but I came back on Bryan Blvd, and the bridges out bear 68 had ice with about 6-8 vehicles off the road. Worse than I thought. TW
  18. Just drove from Colfax to UNCG area - roads are fine on Market St but bridges on Bryan BLVD at 68 were a mess. Trees have a nice glaze/crust but not as bad as I expected. The marginal 3- degree temp has helped. I think we may see more buildup if the precip stays light rather than mod/heavy. I checked Dukes website about 5:30 and 15k out of power in the Triad. TW
  19. Been at 30.2 in Colfax foe awhile now. Freezing most places except roads. TW
  20. We already have straight up freezing rain in Kernersville and Colfax. Heavy enough to keep the wipers on all the time rather than intermittent. So, perfect for accrual at the current 30 degrees. TW
  21. Totally agree. On most all of our winter storms, there is a noticeable difference of some sort from NW to SE. I think it is even more in Wake due to the size of the county. Guilford isn't nearly as big. TW
  22. I think it has more to do with Wake being such a large county. The WWA makes sense in the northwest part of the county, but not so much in the southern part. However, it is fairly uncommon to split a country for winter advisories and warnings. TW
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