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About Paweatherguy1

  • Birthday 01/29/1985

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    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Pittsburgh, PA

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  1. I don't post on this forum often, but it is good to see you are OK.... I can't even begin to imagine what it was like to experience what you experienced. And you going into the closet was something we actually talked about, because there are some of us who would have been tempted to run outside and see the thing. I know you were very close, but did your house sustain any damage at all, and I know it is early, but what is the recovery plan like there? What is the general feeling on rebuilding? I mean, even after Katrina, a lot of places were still salvageable, and could be repaired. Here, they are just gone, with nothing left...How does a city recover from this. Oh, and btw, I hope you don't think we are a bunch of stalkers
  2. We need to give him time... JoMo, while I believe is most likely OK, has most certainly had someone very close to him impacted by this directly. There is no way that some close friend, family, someone he knows closely wasn't hit by the storm. He needs to concentrate on that right now.....I mean, think about it, while he may have been home, god forbid, if he has kids, they could have been at a friends house that WAS hit. Bottom line, there is about a 99% chance he knew someone's house who got destroyed, someone that was seriously hurt, someone that was, heaven forbid, killed. He has a lot on his plate, I can imagine.
  3. That's fine with me... And I'm sorry, but I just had to interject there...I had just been observing but had to respond to blind stupidity.
  4. How the heck would having something be recquire in your house that would keep you safe infringe upon your liberty? I'm all for liberty, but I'm not all for allowing people to be stupid. Do you have kids? Would you put your liberty to not have a safe room or underground shelter above their safety?
  5. It's people like you, who have ZERO common sense, and state that liberty is more important than safety, that make these sorts of laws necessary. Why don't we go ahead and give you the option to not have a seat belt in your car, use lead gas again, liven in a house with NO building codes because you don't want someone to tell you how to live and let you carry a firearm with no safetyThen, when you get in a car wreck and fly through your window, get lead poisoning, your house collapses on you, or your kid kills himself with your gun, you can say your liberty killed you, and that you died for it. As for me, I would just call you stupid.
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