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Everything posted by milleand

  1. Thought this was pretty good, I’m sure someone on here wrote this lol
  2. Yes it is. Here is the link to the thread for that storm. Was a fun one to track..
  3. How about if everyone on here somehow gets 6+ inches this weekend, the name goes back. #miracleMets
  4. From Union Beach -I was so mad I had to travel to Ireland that weekend and missed it. Was watching through the blink cameras ha. Couldn't believe how much fell.
  5. Congratulations .... luckily there won't be any snow this weekend ha
  6. Snowman was all over this … kudos . Been a fun week for all
  7. Does anyone remember a storm in 1977 or 1978 that the media said was going to be all or mostly rain? Everyone woke up to a ton of snow. My father always brings it up but he can't recall exactly when it was.
  8. The New England thread for this storm makes this thread look like Church (bickering). They are getting wild in there lol
  9. Is something brewing for Tuesday 1/23-wedneday 1/24?!
  10. ***Sharing this from Mike Masco***NOT MY POST EARLY NEXT WEEK STORM STRUGGLES... THINGS THAT ARE HAPPENING.. CAN HAPPEN.. AND WILL HAPPEN This post is a more meteorological post not watered down to a simple this and that forecast for everyone. As I said a day or two ago you have too much going on in the overall pattern to expect the models to latch on and forecast early next week properly. You have tremendous cold entering the USA (all-time record cold) as well as a major pattern shift w/ a strong NEGATIVE NAO, a blocking pattern for the eastern USA. The struggle (or reality) in the model is outlined in two black boxes below. The first box is over western Canada which is modeled to have a trough in a place I was expected more ridging to be located. This trough knocks down the +PNA ridge forming over the west coast and a key area over Montana. The Second is over the northern Atlantic. This strong negative coupled with a strong west-based NAO SHOULD create ridging across the western Atlantic thus keeping the storm track closer to the coast. This however has not been modeled to reflect the trough (responsible for next weeks storm). These two area's SHOULD produce a more neutral/negative tilted trough.. However, that is NOT what the GFS/EURO show. The trough is positive which is why you see a late forming storm with trough energy being pulled/sheared apart (when you'd want it to consolidate and form a coastal storm). Are the models lost in the cold or is this our reality? At the very least there will be light snow in #Baltimore #DC #Philadelphia ... Am I totally sold on that solution? .. NO, because of what I would expect to happen based on what has happened in the past! Time will tell.. Need to see a bit more data to be fully satisfied with the end result. @Mikemasco on X
  11. Always supports his opinion with thorough explanations, images, data etc. Although, it may not be what everyone wants to hear, I have learned a lot about weather from him. As well as a lot of others on here. Hoping it snows for All in this forum
  12. If you go to the lest page of the NY Metro forums, the boxing day storm is one of the first threads...Awesome to read through and see everyone's reaction as the models had the storm OTS and then flip flop up until late Xmas Eve
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