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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. Around thirty rain drops on the car windshield at noon, nothing like last weeks when there were closer to a hundred. That's all I have to report from the new Death Valley USA
  2. Weather World leaning dry the next 30 days but not as dry as it's been
  3. Model wars the final battle for life giving H2O is afoot Through the next 72 hours: Team H2O ECM 2.5"+ NAM 1-4" ICON .50"+ Team drought city GFS/UKMET trace CMC trace to .10"
  4. G4 and near kp8 but the aurora shield is projected fairly far north
  5. Like i have said the typical El Nino and La Nina patterns are bringing different results because of wholesale atmospheric changes.
  6. GFS now 0.0" next week as the most boring weather in my life keeps going and going and going Winter sucked. Severe season sucked. Summer sucked. Fall..
  7. Massive PIG ridge over southeast Canada isn't going anywhere I will get my first 30 days with <1" Meanwhile drought monitor says it's not abnormally dry, and no change in dryness the last week.. https://www.drought.gov/current-conditions
  8. Record rains in the Sahara, torrential downpours in areas that receive <1" a year. Yeah that's where the rain went.
  9. Next week we soar deep into the 80's for a long stretch as we begin second summer on a crispy dry dead landscape.
  10. Likely to pull off my first at least that I can remember 30 days with <1" of rain
  11. Must be rare to see a drought squashed then return two months later but it's happening
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