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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. GFS and RGEM a dusting to 1" snow Friday night
  2. Eh did you forget cold/rain? That would be our specialty.
  3. 0z NAM is ago for Friday night holiday snow. Let's reel this one in.
  4. My dad's diet is alcohol, soda, Mcdonalds often and I don't believe he has ever exercised, in his adult life anyway. 92 and a half and welded the leaf spring on a pickup truck last month. * life long barfly too therefore has to inhaled the equivelant of a full time smoker lol
  5. White Christmas with drones dude it's happening
  6. If it's like 2005 warmed looking forward to some 75F days with thunderstorms in January
  7. Think I got this figured out. This is like a climate change warmed version of December 89 Allentown is -4.5F and .30" snow through mid month vs -12F in 1989 with 4.5" snow
  8. . 20" but real nice cottonballs are falling now
  9. Eh it's gotten white out when I wasn't paying attention. Could be 1/2" eyeing it
  10. Snow stopped as fast as it started nothing since
  11. Snow crashed in at a decent rate and on time! 33F
  12. I get 3" on the RGEM. No other model shows it what could go wrong. Snow comes in at 7pm too so double win
  13. Currently 34F after this seasons coldest morning low of 16F
  14. The only constant we have in the long range is December 21-25 looks seasonably cold and won't be 55F+
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