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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. You have a snow bowl, trees for shade with an open area in the middle to accumulate.
  2. Cotton candy crazy fake looking high ratio snow fell in the squall that looked like what fell last February. Weird stuff so light you could see through it no lie. What fell on concrete sun exposed steps was gone at 12 noon instant vaporization.
  3. The sun is like a million billion giggawatt lazer beam today no shoveling needed, south facing lawns visible again. 30F you would think it was 60F.
  4. Perfectly normal season to date imby My expectations are too high òr something
  5. Look like lake effect streamers something strange going on too bad you missed the stream
  6. Nobody here in the Norristown to Philly band? That looks wider then the one that hit here.
  7. Those bands mean bizzness bask in the glory
  8. My squall went straight down County Line road kind of nuts https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/index.php?type=DIX-N0Q-1-24
  9. King of Prussia area looks to be getting squalled
  10. Road crews quit early car stuck on the hill deep snow
  11. Eight hours of gently sifting powder sugar lulled me to sleep are you kidding me and some wine
  12. I had a HECS for an hour and i missed it this feels so much like Feb 1987
  13. 3.5" at my hovel NW of Qtown 19F Got hit with some kind of cotton candy looking snow from a squall that really dumped
  14. Not the Hrrr nothing had this I got manna from heaven '
  15. 24.5" on the season this is snowtown right here
  16. Fluff like cotton candy exactly like last February Lehigh Valley death band
  17. Slept through the heaviest snow of 2025 Almost as much as DT what is going on lol
  18. 2.3" the last hour from the blobb Woke up from a snooze looked outside and wtf! 3.5" still snowing
  19. Big flakes grand finale going on, could be the last of winter Blobbed on radar
  20. This empiric victory feels good, opened a bottle of wine
  21. .10" for DC DT land around 4"- they choked
  22. 1.20" with light snow. Maybe another hour.
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