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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. UKMET fantasy map https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?rh=2024123112&fh=168&dpdt=&mc=&r=us_ne&p=sn10_acc-imp&m=ukmo_global ICON is half decent we have a camp woohoo
  2. UKMET has been getting good grades it's on the Deans list compared to the GFS. Of course the ECM has had top grades recently but not by much.
  3. UKMET schooled the others once last winter if I remember right, uncle ftw
  4. When you needed a euro north trend and it goes 50 miles south
  5. GFS doesn't drop one single dendrite through 384hrs lol
  6. Euro is 3" from a too late to develop Miller B next Monday followed by cold temps and abundant static electricity
  7. The proverbial dumping in of the meteorolgical north pole isn't great for big snow
  8. Some hold out patches of snow in north facings. 41F with some nice London style pea soup fog developing.
  9. Severe cold and snow totals of 1-2" on the GFS through 384hrs lol
  10. Old guidance is looking terrible wrong about next month which is taking on a January 1977 vibe, crazyness. 20F in south Florida really GFS?
  11. 1.3" snow depth 7 days of snow cover in December on the holidays is blockbuster level Family in Farmingdale New Jersey had a white Christmas on their north facing lawn of their house I measured 2". Most everywhere else the horse pasture etc. bare ground it was the most selective snow cover one can see.
  12. A positive bust I think most like the cloudy Christmas
  13. Merry Christmas, happy Holidays, Saturnalia etc. 2" snow depth
  14. Before January of 78 i had nothing that was memorable born into a snow drought
  15. Didn't know you were that ancient lol. That was the all timer you Lucky dog.
  16. Parents moved into their new Horsham house months prior to the big Christmas snows of 1966. Nothing came close to that for the next 41 years there.
  17. As in if 12z GFS OP is the way things progress
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