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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. Larry C nailed the first 2/3 of winter nobody wanted to believe it. But what did he say originally about February? Large amount of great Feb's in his analogs and a couple duds.
  2. I believe climate change and everything it entails such as altered SST's and the warming pole is playing havoc with the physics of computer models, the flipping beyond 24hrs had been extreme recent winters.
  3. In all fairness this storm was a nightmare to predict, forecast amounts failed from Atlanta to Boston. Glenn got us N&W folks right.
  4. Tires dry rotted due to lack of use
  5. I see the far away Carbondale guy been posting in the MA thread, heard a rumour the town folk down there had a gathering and the plan is to draw and quarter the traveller...
  6. Its like Charlton Heston's Omega man in here(or Will Smith's I am Legend if that's your preference) the Hawaiian forums are more active about snow on the the big isle
  7. Don't jump yet Ralph the ECM weeklies have been oscillating between seasonable and somewhat colder than normal temps mid month into January and have never as yet indicated any extended warmth in that period. As for the extended canadian that is lol, that one can't get a 5 day right. Sure persistence of the last year could kick in and find us breaking out the bermuda shorts between Christmas and New Years but it's not likely.
  8. Patience will be needed for the first half of December. But a good stretch of winter could be settling in at the time it's most wanted around the time of the winter solstice.
  9. Missed the winter hour special last night for WW and Hurricanes winter outlook double doh
  10. -1F December qualifies as extreme cold? Are you serious Clarke?
  11. Analogs of 67,96,2014 and 2015 yeah there is no JB hype in that WB winter forecast omg.
  12. Paul Knight gave his winter forecast to Weather World Forecast winter 2016-17 Near to somewhat below normal temperature averaged out and a dry January - Sounds like a slightly milder version of the 2009 winter. I like his forecast after watching his video it was well thought out. I'll take it over last years +12 December torch. the blizzard notwithstanding in Jan of course.
  13. Canada is having a torch November, snow cover is going to be below normal unless the last week of the month has a big turn around. We are going to have a hard time pulling off a cold December from this early vantage point. It would be astonishing if their wet winter worked out the way the pattern has been going.
  14. Weeklies turned warm for first half of December. Not good.
  15. weather.gov 7 day forecast is all you need carry on
  16. The MEGA NAM, throw away all the others lol
  17. 1" just a slight reduction from 8-12"
  18. ECM ensembles north for the day 7 system so...
  19. Euro day 7 looks interesting considering everything has trended north up to and including the blizzard. Of course it's been an awful model this winter and the GFS has just a weak wave but something to watch time is almost up.
  20. Watch February turn into an unexpected rat then we get 12" March 15. That would make for some kinda winter. I know one thing severe season HAS to be better than last year
  21. I remember David Murphy mentioning a couple days before a really big storm there was a chance of flurries yeah he is the all time worse
  22. Whew so glad i didn't jump on the hype train, just got my first trace and .2" and the train derailed fugitive style
  23. I so much want to jump on the hype train. If it hasn't left the station when I receive my first trace next week...
  24. Half right he got the cold, honorable mention?
  25. Yup front lines will run through Quakertown upper bucks
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