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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. The timing is excellent now the snow starts 10ish Monday morning and goes through dark. I approve.
  2. Deja vu GFS 18z yesterday with the north push. Is it real stay tuned.
  3. Going to sleep through most of my inch of snow Monday morning, next
  4. DT will be trimming back when he see's the new euro
  5. Birds seems like an expert with that guy you should ask him
  6. We lost the euro ensemble suite as well, this things knocking and banging and ready to blow a rod
  7. Eh the three better scoring models went south not a positive
  8. 3-6" for here as a first guess isn't bad. Only the GFS went hog wild so far.
  9. Eh so many changes and so much time to go. Wake me up when consensous has been reached.
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