Get comfortable with cold rain, cause it's and endless onslaught to continue with no end in site. This is making last years winter of azz look pedestrian. The horror, the horror.
This is the Curse of Oak Island weather. Last winter there was a chance I got to the bottom of it in March, but no here comes season 2 and every month ARRGhhh another level!
Watched every model run for days and was sure they would bump totals NW because the gradient would be impossible. Nope they did remarkably well for 5+ days out with their depiction of a screw job lol.
Got epically screwed in Qtown that early February so badly i have blocked out the memories of the confluence from hell storms. The 11" little blizzard late month was my good storm for the month and winter.
Lucky though 2014 came when it did to ease the pain being a far better winter up county. I would take either of these last non winters over 2010 and watching all that heavy snow squashed just to my south. The 6" in storm #1 felt like flurries to me man what a let down.