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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. Just a side swipe of arctic air in mid February though and should be the last significant cold of this pathetic winter.
  2. They just got rare summer snow in Tazmania! Also record cold in South Korea. When it performs over there we get screwed.
  3. Winter 2020 - the year the shiekhs of Saudi Arabia had to import snow blowers
  4. First came Smarch, now for your weather enjoyment we now have Farch. When having one March was bad enough but now there are two.
  5. Posted from today's run in the MA thread, but does it really matter at this range bro
  6. If there are any fans of the weeklies left they need to jump ship after what they were promising a couple weeks ago.
  7. Get comfortable with cold rain, cause it's and endless onslaught to continue with no end in site. This is making last years winter of azz look pedestrian. The horror, the horror.
  8. This is what it was like if you lived in the Carolina's during the winter of 2014
  9. This is the Curse of Oak Island weather. Last winter there was a chance I got to the bottom of it in March, but no here comes season 2 and every month ARRGhhh another level!
  10. This winter was 1998,2002 and 2012 combined into one neat package
  11. All time record cold and also snow in Saudi Arabia, roads are a parking lot Yeah when this happens over there were done
  12. You realize they won't explode like if it was Star Wars?
  13. Whew just in time too i was starting to doubt 12-16" on the ground by groundhog day
  14. Looks like it's time again, not to mention that interval between occurrences with climate warming should shorten.
  15. Starting to think there will be no smarch this year. The odds overwhelmingly favor a normal or mild March considering how the last 5 years have been.
  16. Low pressure riding the apps with retreating milk toast high pressure but hey it's day 10
  17. The arctic cold is locked in far northern Canada day 10 of the ECM. I keep telling myself no that is NOT coming south the last week of February again!
  18. How is it possible that guy is still around! I would grab the remote and change the channel fast as possible 30 years ago lol.
  19. Watched every model run for days and was sure they would bump totals NW because the gradient would be impossible. Nope they did remarkably well for 5+ days out with their depiction of a screw job lol.
  20. Not sure since i mentally blocked that week out, i want to say 10"
  21. Got epically screwed in Qtown that early February so badly i have blocked out the memories of the confluence from hell storms. The 11" little blizzard late month was my good storm for the month and winter. Lucky though 2014 came when it did to ease the pain being a far better winter up county. I would take either of these last non winters over 2010 and watching all that heavy snow squashed just to my south. The 6" in storm #1 felt like flurries to me man what a let down.
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