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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. I never wore thermals and wool socks into mid May before, welcome to Vermont.
  2. Might want to look into Svalbard as a year round residence. * pop of 2642 lol
  3. 54F clouds&sun&windy Next week's heat has been slashed with ocean influence. Underperforming all day everyday the new norm.
  4. More likely it was flecks of old leaded paint blowing off the ancient civil war era house
  5. Thought i saw a snowflake but it's 52F so couldn't be. But it feels like 30's with wind chill.
  6. Happy i don't live in urbania hell, never any lines out in the hinterlands. Great for blood pressure.
  7. Jebwalking a decent snowsquall at a Qtown shopping center. Better than any rates seen in winter lol.
  8. Snow flurries currently under partly sunny sky in Qtown, amazing.
  9. A few weak sauce dendrites past midnight but it fracking counts!
  10. This thing is moving warp 10 on radar we would have accumulated no problem with any slower motion.
  11. I can just hear the old codgers telling tales of the the virus and winter cold in the spring of 2020 in the distant future
  12. This winter in April May pattern is perfect for virus survival and indoor transmission and likely aided thousands of extra deaths between sickness and suicides
  13. Qualified as a cold winter day in January
  14. Welp GFS and ECM agree winter finally ends when the trough lifts out on May 15
  15. Nevermind lala GFS the ECM gets .1-.2" measurable snow into Bucks, Montco and Berks which obviously would be unprecidented and mind blowing.
  16. GFS 96hr forecast has 6.6" snow on Long Island 30 minutes east of NYC
  17. Afternoon forecast- mostly sunny and 61F Actual is overcast windy and March
  18. Yup summer of hot azz coming right up lol
  19. And how bout that GFS nailing the 384hr sensible weather again with the cold snap
  20. Friday night local forecast- rain showers, snow showers and sleet. Saturday rain& snow showers. Mayarch ladies and gentlemen.
  21. GFS has snow into upper bucks on it's 10 day. You may have to squint but I swear it's there lol.
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