As things look now come Dec 20th the monthly average will be within .5F of normal and locally 5.5" rain will have fallen and doubtful to have seen more than 1" of snow. IMO that sucks I would be happy to trade it for the mild dry month this was suppose to be.
Many fellow weenie peeps got Lucy'd in New England like we usually do. I have to dig into the arcane weenie handbook to see what this means for winter.
1.5" for the storm and 3.5" rain locally the first week of December. Already near a months worth of rain and the winter forecasts are for drier than normal La Nina what is going on.
12z ECM first measurable snow for DC south Monday
Snow in the south before us is right out of weenie handbook rule #3 for a crappy winter.
Rule #4 We have to wait an additional 2-4 weeks to get out first lol
* Does not apply to West Chester Paul- different climatology region
First half of December is going to have this months mild forecasts in trouble this wasn't suppose to happen. Going to need a big torch week to have a warmer than normal month(xmas )
Interesting fact is 89/90 was a heavy analog being used so maybe a colder look shouldn't be a surprise. For those that don't know that was a frigged month and a torch Jan/Feb.