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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. Bullish snow expectations there I was feeling 4-6" upper Bucks but I like it
  2. Surprised the media hasn't played up the frigged cold next week. It's near historic for duration and will be a big story. NW Florida snow max chances CMC 10" GFS 7" ECM 5"
  3. ECM has a nice ice storm next Friday. Deep winter.
  4. 1.1" Roads are snow covered not one salt truck out today. Budget cuts? But i hate salt anyway not complaining.
  5. No salt trucks here. Salt ship still stuck in the Delaware?
  6. But i need somebody to bring my Burger King
  7. .50" the snow mist continues. Roads look bad. 22F
  8. Yup it found clouds, waiting if there's anything else
  9. 18z NAM running. Hope it can find clouds or something on Sunday.
  10. .20" I feel like I need a traveler's advisory..
  11. Surfaces covered from the powdered sugar, about to get slippery 24F
  12. Maybe it's been mentioned and I missed it, UKMET is 3-5" with straight 10:1 ratios. And has the bulk of precipitation even further west than the CMC.
  13. Slightly concerned the NAM has nothing between here and the Moon on Sunday it's last two runs
  14. Straight out of the weenie handbook page 11
  15. Slept through all the great 12z guidance to wake up for Dr No and 1-3" Back to sleep
  16. We shouldn't feel bad the euro just royally screwed all the south of their snow.
  17. #1 and #4 ranked models vs #2 and #3 Game day Sunday
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