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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. In other news Dr No inland runs the 19th storm in the grand pattern period when suppression should be the primary worry. Refs throw the flag!
  2. Stop being the glass half full guy winters have been garbage since 2018 with the exception of February 2021 we are due lol
  3. All guidance has two big rainstorms next week with seasonable temperatures no glossing over it
  4. Still got crazy uncle Ukie why would he let us down
  5. First post of the mogreps-g on a weather board congrats
  6. We know what were doing down here y'all
  7. We get the good pattern going after Allentowns 39.4" right? My bunker isn't ready
  8. Just think this is the appetizer for the good pattern to follow
  9. Poor New England this run somebody should send flowers
  10. 18z happy GFS did the impossible and got us into the whites on tidbits. It's the big dog meets the mother of God run.
  11. You want to be in the Barney colors for winning
  12. 18z happy hour was the we beat New England run. Many more rolls of the dice to go.
  13. Thickening fog and 33F Driveway is great for skating
  14. How much frozen fell in the Pocono's because locally it was 25% or less the predicted amount
  15. Hone in dude really? The ECM/GFS/CMC/ICON/NAM/RAP/HRRR and any other oddball less used model busted on todays frozen at game time for N&W zones. I have no clue what is going to happen Saturday night, none lol
  16. .30" sleet and graupel zero snow currently 33F All guidance obviously dropped the ball on frozen precipitation N&W areas Radar estimates are .25-50". Looking at the frozen and water in my gauge appears I received between .40-.50" Despite the frozen bust a pre salted walkway is now the slipperiest surface known too man I challenge anybody to try. The driveway is going to be trouble if it doesn't melt today
  17. Hrrrr has reduced to a .20" event. What is happening drought effect?
  18. More changes with 0z and not of the good kind this time. Best to wait for tomorrow and hope for more changes.
  19. RAP is still .40-.60" let's go with that
  20. 0z NAM 3k gives me .10" 12k .20" What is going on with the old namer?
  21. That direct weather guy on YouTube must be predicting a glacier and ice age based on typical hype level
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