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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. This will end my pre holiday old fossil snow
  2. NAM thinks Saturday afternoon is 3-4" snow before the change to sleet/freezing rain
  3. Slippery xtra crispy crust outside from graupel and sleet and now freezing drizzle 31F
  4. 18z ICON never gets far NW and Lehigh Valley into the warm sector this weekend
  5. One time with that run was enough twice is cruel and unusual punishment
  6. GFS got this don't need no stinking euro
  7. 1.2" light to moderate snow continues expectations in range
  8. 0z ECM all kinds of changes the 20th storm a sheared out nothing and then a coastal hugger
  9. Too much winning man watch the blood pressure maybe take a baby aspirin
  10. High ratio frontogenic nw edge forcing here radar looks great can see a road to 2" 26F
  11. More southern Louisiana snow on the GFS ok this is getting out of hand twice in one season?
  12. Building in on the back edge here in yeoman fashion I do think I score over an inch
  13. .5" and snowing moderately 28F Was not aware it started snowing haha
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