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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. It's quickly becoming more dry by the day. Local mulch business had their mountainous mulch piles spontaneously ignite the last two days with many fire engines. Need a logo for drought guy we can shine in the sky like the bat signal.
  2. Along came Cujo in the 80's and very much tainted the St. Bernard reputation
  3. 67F high yesterday and 30F low this morning wow Currently 64F
  4. ^ looks like they don't even need to salt cause the sun angle is doing it's thing
  5. Just fought off the first yellow jacket arggggg Low 50's wed-thur? Effin back door fronts
  6. Finally getting a clipper approaching and it's weak sauce city
  7. Pond here is full which is a surprise considering the low rainfall winter
  8. Yeah you are right December 2014 was +2F and December 2013 was below normal looked it up which makes 2013-2014 the last wire to wire cold winter I be misremembering stuff and all
  9. Consistent cold though, December 14 was +9F and a spring month. December 2013 also above normal.
  10. Winter grade B Cold was an A Most consistently cold Dec 1 through Feb 28th winter since 2014 Snow gets a C+ 24.5" almost as much snow as Boston locally I overachieved with some luck though still below average Holidays were a B+ with cold and white ground(lost points on the pre New Year warm storm) March bonus round will be a fail
  11. Radar filled in behind the line might get more H2O than expected
  12. Yeah line popped soon as it went past me
  13. Radar history is on average .25 to .50" in the state
  14. GFS ensembles stayed on board ECM vacations in the Bahamas for days
  15. The AVN to take it's place. Runs on a RadioShack TRS-80
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