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Hurricane Agnes

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Everything posted by Hurricane Agnes

  1. Made it up to 91 for a high yesterday before the front came through, making for my 3rd 90+ in a row, and 12th 90+ day for the month and season so far. Final rain tally was a somewhat sparse 0.13. Total rain for July has been 6.88" to date. Bottomed out at 64 (coolest low for the month so far) and it's currently a mostly sunny 76 with no steamy windows, a lot of blue sky, a few small cumulus clouds, and a dp below 60 for a change, at 59.
  2. Glad you finally cashed in. I know you had been getting missed. Partly sunny with temp here down to 76 and dp 74.
  3. Getting my quick-hitter rain. Currently have 0.12", with 0.09 from it as the line has been barreling through with the sun out on the other side. Temp down to 78 with dp 75. ETA - and double rainbow visible.
  4. Junk 'n stuff heading this way. Was looking at the radar as a Warning popped up and in came the radio alert. Currently 84 with dp 76 and some convection being picked up nearby.
  5. And the little shower came and went. All clear, sun out, and temp now up to 75 with dp 74 & 0.03" final in the bucket for this round (0.33" 2-day total).
  6. Looks like I bottomed out at 72 earlier and am now getting some light rain. Have 0.03" in the bucket at post time. Temp is 74 with dp 73.
  7. When all was said and done, I finished up with a total of 0.30" that was done by midnight. Currently 73 with dp 72
  8. Well this round had an incredible light show (still going) but the radar had more bark than bite and I ended up with 0.12" in the bucket. However I'll take it. Temp down to 75 with dp 74. ETA - as soon as I posted, some of the darker greens started moving in and I'm getting a little light rain. Picked up another hundredth ad am at 0.13". I could use some more of that just cool the plants down.
  9. Am under the yellows and finally getting the heavier rain. Temp down to 77 with dp 73. Have 0.06" in the bucket and 1/3" per hr rate so far.
  10. Starting to get some rain. Nothing measurable yet but the outflow boundary knocked the temp down to 78 with dp 73.
  11. Outflow coming through. All kinds of crazy lightning going on out there! It's non-stop. Not much thunder though.
  12. Picking up nearby convection. There's a solid N-> S outflow boundary just head of the line that is right on the border between Philly, Montco, and Delco. Current temp here is 86 with dp ugh (78).
  13. And to quote Birds - Stuff. Don't know if that will survive the trip but we'll see. I made it up to 94 as a high today and here it is 6:30 pm and still 91, with dp 77.
  14. Hit 90 just before noon after bottoming out at 76 this morning. Had already hit 91 just before 12:30 pm, briefly dropped back down to 90, but am back to a mostly sunny 91 and an awful dp of 75, with a few small scattered cumulus clouds just starting to form.
  15. And they're off... So far I have had a high of 93 today (so far) and it has started clouding up with the temp back down to 88 and dp mixing out a bit and at 77.
  16. Bottomed out at 73 this morning and have hit my high (so far) with my current 88. What is different is that the dp has gone into the stratosphere, bopping between 78 & 79 and just stepped outside and I think that rain we had a few days ago juiced it up here.
  17. I was expecting some kind of "low battery" indicator but never got anything. It was still sending data for the anemometer. And I did have to swap out the batts on the key fob a couple years ago. At least those lasted about 5 years. I have been pretty happy with the Energizer lithium batts for that. Also use those for my temp sensors and even have one in my deep freezer (with lithium batteries). Have dropped down to 76 now with dp 67. Will see if it hangs around that temp through dawn in order to start out warmer tomorrow ahead of the blast.
  18. And my high ended up being 89. I know the heat products have pretty much focused on the Thurs. - Sat. period. I actually had to go swap out the batts in my WS-2000 a couple hours ago as it had suddenly stopped sending temp/humidity data around 5 pm (after the high for the day). I had bought this station in the summer of 2020 (as a replacement to a WS-1001 from 2015) and it still had the original lithium batts that I had put in it when I first set it up, so I knew this day was coming! Anyway, it's partly sunny and 83 with dp a reasonable 66 and doesn't feel bad out there at all.
  19. I bottomed out at 65 this morning, my "coolest" low during the entire month of July. Tat will be a memory come tomorrow and the days after. It's currently mostly sunny with cumulus here and there, and 87 (don't think I will make 90), with dp 70 so not too bad out.
  20. Sun has popped out and looks like I finished up with 0.92" total from both rounds today (so far). Me take. Temp is currently 69 with dp 68. ETA - have 6.45" of rain for July (so far).
  21. Managed to get under a band from that to pick up another 0.31" for 0.91" so far. Rates went as high as 2"/hr at one point during the peak. Currently light rain and 68 with dp 67. Appreciated that 'cause that general rule of thumb is that most plants around here prefer bout 1" of rain per week.
  22. Initial round gave me another 0.40" of rain for 0.60" so far. Looks like another blob may be coming. I saw a flood reported in Oreland which is a few miles from me in Springfield township. Steamy window temp is 70 with dp 69.
  23. Starting getting some big droplets from some incoming and it just started to ratchet up with winds. Right on my door step.
  24. Am under a STS. Seeing some dark clouds off to the west. Currently 76 with dp 72.
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