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Hurricane Agnes

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Everything posted by Hurricane Agnes

  1. Flurries began here within the past 45 minutes but am now up to SN. Temp is still above freezing at 35 & dp 31 but slowly creeping down as everything cools. They have been tailgating ahead of the game so they can eventually become snow cones.
  2. Above from the other thread but I was wondering if any of that was making it to the ground as I watched that whole area suddenly blossom into existence. At post time, it's well above freezing here IMBY in NW Philly and is overcast and 36, with dp 33. There are just a few patches of snow left on protected grassy areas.
  3. WSW has now been ticked to the east to include Philly metro - Currently 34 with dp 33 and misty.
  4. Blend is keeping it conservative (might be seeing the west shift).
  5. Throwing in the Canadian which is aligned with the others...
  6. This forum's threads go back to late 2010 when we migrated over from EasternWx to AmericanWx, so you could go hunting for any threads in the period.
  7. I know we are more in the short range/convective model timeframe now but since it's running, here's the 12 GFS -
  8. Made it up to 41 yesterday and everything not in a N/NE-facing area, melted. Bottomed out at 28 this morning and the temp is steadily rising. Currently 35 with dp 31, and overcast skies.
  9. 6z GFS still holding the line but when I first popped over to the site to check, I got a 306 hr HECS frame initially! Including that eye-popping image after the one for this weekend's storm.
  10. The 12k shows it better (although it goes out longer too).
  11. Blendy McBlendface. Keeping the powder REAL dry! It's looking a bit juicier but still has some frames to go.
  12. Did a 7 pm measure and have 0.75" and am down to some stray flurries. Radar is showing a dry slot over me at the moment but that may fill in later. Currently 26 with dp 24.
  13. As noted - the 18z NAM found the other low (although it still does a whiff)...
  14. Finally started getting some kind of coating out there with the fine flakes and did a 4:30 pm measurement to get 0.30" (so far). Currently have some very light pixie flakes and temp is 25 with dp 23. My high ended up being 29 earlier this afternoon.
  15. Since it's supposed to be bitter cold next week, it looks to me like it has the arctic front suppressing the thing to the south and then having it ride on up the eastern side of it. ETA - adding the 12z EC & GFS (the NAM only has the one low whereas the EC & GFS have an antecedent low that seems to keep the arctic high from digging as deep).
  16. 12z NAM is sliding the low sort of OTS from the Carolinas, so it swings and misses.
  17. Had some flurries earlier but just checked and it's so dry that it's mostly virga at the moment with the sun visible behind the clouds. Had bottomed out at 16 this morning and it's currently overcast and 27 with dp 17.
  18. Popped out about an hour ago when it was down to flurries and measured 0.40". The back edge has pretty much cleared the city and it's currently cloudy and 26 with dp 24.
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