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Hurricane Agnes

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Everything posted by Hurricane Agnes

  1. I'm at 6.55" for May. A year ago in May I had 4.80" and thought that was too high.
  2. The dewpoints are in the upper 60s around here - pretty much near the surface temps so it could be there's just a lot of low clouds cluttering up the radar and the actual cells are very small and localized. I did get a couple more hundredths of an inch since my last post so am up to 0.17" with some light rain with temp of 68.
  3. It looked worse on radar than what actually happened. It basically gave me about 15 minutes of a shower to yield 0.04" on top of the 0.02" I got from a previous shower, so that 0.15" total is it for the day (unless I get some more overnight). Seems the heavier segments were running north of me or south of me by several miles either way (I had seen that it was flooding again along the river drives earlier this evening from the cell that gave me 0.09").
  4. Getting a heavier piece of a line over me right now. Temp is 70 and currently up to 0.15" for the day so far at post time.
  5. Well the sun popped out here and I got 0.09" earlier today (so far). Am guess if these fronts start moving, I may get some more. Currently partly sunny and 71.
  6. Yeah there are a couple cells moving through. Had a heavier shower sideswipe me (currently have up to 0.06") but haven't heard any thunder yet. The temp managed to get up to 85 here before it really clouded up and dropped back down into the upper 70s before it started raining. Currently 75 with the light rain.
  7. I haven't seen them post the very latest from last night's storm yet but here is a preliminary LSR for a tornado in Sussex County, NJ yesterday - https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/total_forecast/getprod.php?new&prod=XXXLSRPHI&wfo=phi Updated PNS for the 5/28/19 Morgantown & Stanhope tornadoes is here - https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/total_forecast/getprod.php?new&prod=XXXPNSPHI&wfo=phi (they put these on their website under "Text Products" under the "Nonroutine Products" section - https://www.weather.gov/phi/ProductIndex
  8. Down to some sprinkles now and and saw the sky brightening just before an attempt at a sunset. So far up to 1.55" from the storms. There were some wind gusts and a good amount of loud thunder, but this was mostly very heavy rain, with about 15 minutes of 3"/hr rates. The storms were moving pretty quickly so fortunately they didn't stall out and train over the area. It did manage to hit 89 here before the rain. Currently overcast and 68.
  9. I saw that about 7 miles north of me where Willow Grove had a bunch of reports of 1" hail. I know I have not seen hail here in Philly in years (almost since I was a kid). I think the heat island melts the ice before it hits the ground here in the city so I usually get huge rain drops. Now up to 1.26" of rain since around 6 pm (still @ 1"/hr). ETA - my sis who lives in Wyndmoor just texted a pic of the front of her house that is flooded (her driveway slopes down to the front of the house based on how the hill slopes where the houses are on her side of the street).
  10. Getting an EAS on phone for Flash Flood Warning (here in Philly). Now "down to" 1"/hr rates and have 1.17" at post time. Temp is 68.
  11. Getting raked here. Not seeing any lightning but getting a decent amount of thunder. Still getting 3"/hr rates and am at 1.03" so far at post time.
  12. Now up to 3"/hr rates and have 0.72" since the rain started.
  13. Getting 2"/hr rain rates and am up to 0.34" so far.
  14. Under heavy rain at the moment. Dropped temps like 10 degrees. It literally went to night-like darkness.
  15. Just heard a loud thunder here in NW Philly. ETA - some nasty looking clouds to my NE...
  16. Yup. Yesterday (at least in my area) the sun didn't come out and stay out until probably 2 pm. Today started with sun (currently almost cloudless) and dews in the mid - upper 60s. Already 81 here now.
  17. Heh yup. Got 0.13" on top of the 0.12" that I had earlier this morning (0.25" for the day so far). It got windy and there was some thunder but didn't see any lightning. The cells were pretty fast moving. Currently 69 and overcast.
  18. Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Philly and rim burbs issued.
  19. Getting some rain and hearing thunder now. Temp is 77 with dp 70.
  20. Finally got chance to go look out and yeah there are mammatus out there!
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