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Hurricane Agnes

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Everything posted by Hurricane Agnes

  1. I think the AFD mentioned that if the overcast clears earlier than expected, then an increase in destabilization could occur and enhance the rainfall in spots further north of the heaviest rain that was recently shifted into the Delmarva area and south. As an obs note, I had a high of 87 yesterday after a cool low of 60. But the overcast kept the temps up overnight and it is currently 74 here.
  2. Looks like the last of the rain (at least what is showing up on radar) has now moved past me now and I ended up with 2.21". Temp is currently 69.
  3. Ha! Was getting ready to post that the sun is trying to come out just as it is setting. I'm still getting light rain (plus assorted lightning and thunder) and am up to 2.20" so far.
  4. I think the first front is the weaker one with little or no temp change. But the second front is the stronger one that will drop the humidity levels down and bring in the Canadian air - which should knock the daytime temps back to near normal and night temps to below-normal (that is supposed to happen over the weekend).
  5. Very true plus the first front is still back near the PA/OH border.
  6. Holy crap! Just had a nearby thunderclap loud enough to set off someone's car alarm! Now up to 2.00" on the nose (so far).
  7. Had to pop out to the store while there was a bit of a lull and even though it's 70 it is steamy too. Still getting some light rain and interestingly enough, still getting lightning (saw a few cloud-to-cloud bolts on the way back home) and getting the regular thunder as well. Am now up to 1.98" for the event so far.
  8. I bet it works okay on IE too. I know sometimes Chrome becomes the stepchild browser on some websites.
  9. Could be they made some tweaks to the site's code that Chrome doesn't like. You could try a different browser to confirm either way (the phone probably uses the mobile version).
  10. Now up to 1.71" in the bucket. Rates running at 1.58"/hr. As a note, the temp did hit 91 here as a high before the rain.
  11. I've been okay so far (I use Firefox latest version). Could be a need-to-clear-cache thing (or if you use Firefox, sometimes you end up with a corrupted profile and need to create a new one).
  12. My peak rainfall rate at around 4:50 pm was 2.69"/hr. Currently "down to" about 1.3"/hr and have 1.37" recorded so far. Temp is down to 69.
  13. Yup - here is the latest hot off the press (I am in a brief lull before the strong line gets here)! ETA 4:58 pm - lull over and the heavy rain has commenced again!
  14. Am getting > 2"/hr rates. Am up to 0.70" at post time. Temp is 72 with heavy rain (and the heaviest line is still a bit west of me).
  15. Just got in from a Dr.'s appt in Flourtown and there was light rain but the thunder and lightning was going pretty good. As I pulled home the heavier rain was starting. Currently have 0.14" on the gauge. with heavy rain. The radar was all lit up!
  16. Once the sun came out and stayed out the rest of the afternoon, the temp managed to recover from that 67 low, right back up to 84 before falling off again as we head into the evening. Currently 82 and partly sunny.
  17. The heaviest rain has now moved on to my northeast and so far got 0.59" out of it with the highest rain rate @ 2.55"/hr. That knocked the temp back to an amazing 67 which may end up being my low for the day (overnight and early morning low was originally 71)! Just getting a little light rain leftovers and the sky looks like it is clearing to my west.
  18. Getting just over 2"/hr rates and am now at 0.53" since the rain started here. Not much wind to this but plenty of lightning and thunder. Temp got knocked down to 71 after a high of 85 earlier this morning (the day's high before the skies went overcast).
  19. Glad a Severe Thunderstorm Warning was just issued. This thing just blossomed up just to the west of me. Am finally getting the heavier rain from it as it moves over me.
  20. Hearing rockin' and rollin' nearby - about 3 - 4 miles to my west. Have been watching the cell blossom from its birth in Delco and move further north and northeast just under me. It's gotten pretty dark and is currently 80. It's pretty noisy.
  21. Have had general upper 80s highs since the 1st - 89, 87, & another 89 yesterday. The humidity was much better this morning compared to previous mornings where I didn't have the steamy windows. Currently 79 and mostly sunny with cirrus here and there.
  22. Sun is out and I ended up with a total of 0.37" of rain from that round. It did knock the temp down to the currently 73 here though so there's that! It was a noisy storm!
  23. Still have light rain here at the moment but not like the earlier gully washer (with a bit over 1.5"/hr rates). It amounted to (so far) an additional 0.29" for a total of 0.35". I.e., the cells sortof suddenly bubbled up and intensified but are moving fast, so not sitting over an area for extended time - at least where I am and with this current line. I did hear of a tree down a few miles southeast of me (per a traffic report) so something must have gusted enough to do that. I did hear a loud crack of thunder after a pretty significant lightning bolt just before the line actually got here so it could be it got hit with lightning but I'm not sure (something got hit though). Fortunately where that happened was literally 1/2 block from a fire station.
  24. Now getting heavy sheets of rain and hearing lots of crackling thunder.
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