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Hurricane Agnes

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Everything posted by Hurricane Agnes

  1. Appears the high here was 72 today - big big difference from a year ago on this date when the temp IMBY was 86, and rest of the week was characterized by upper 80s and low-mid 90s... And this occurring (of all times) when the Philly public schools foolishly experimented with starting school the week before Labor day and ended up with early dismissals most of that week due to the excessive heat (with few schools having any AC). Currently 71 and mostly sunny. Have been watching the track of TS Dorian in case it has any ideas of throwing any moisture up here.
  2. Sun is finally popping out here after being overcast most of the morning and the temp is slowly creeping up. Currently 68 and partly sunny.
  3. After a cooler high of 75 yesterday with a delightful active breeze, I bottomed out at 58 this morning, much lower than previous mornings (maybe due to the breezes dropping off a bit overnight allowing for a little radiational cooling along with some CAA that had started yesterday afternoon). After a sunny clear start of the day, am currently at 64 and overcast (marine layer all of a sudden?).
  4. Hit a high of 77 today and I don't think you could ask for a better late August day with temps like that and dews in the upper 40s. Currently 75 and partly sunny with lots of cumulus around.
  5. My high yesterday ended up being the 74 at midnight although it had eventually recovered to reach 71 by late afternoon before dropping back down again into the 60s. My low this morning was 60 and it's currently 64 and partly sunny (with plenty of cirrus).
  6. After the light round of rain that I had this morning, I ended up with 0.05" and the temp briefly dropped down to 65 not long after. It's been drizzling on and off all afternoon but the temp recovered a bit (while the dps also edged up to the low 60s). It is currently 69 and overcast - a big difference from the 89 I had yesterday at this time!
  7. Now getting some old-fashioned rain. Temp briefly touched 68 but is now back to 67.
  8. Had my 5th consecutive 90/90+ day yesterday but I think that may be it now for awhile. I ended up with an additional 0.10" of rain just after 11pm, on top of the 0.01" earlier, for a total of 0.11" for yesterday. The earlier solid rain band from yesterday pretty much fizzled by the time it got here last evening. The high here today so far was at midnight and was 74. The front appeared to have started moving through here enough to start significantly dropping the temp/dews just after 5:30 am. It's currently overcast and 67 with dps in the upper 50s (down from the low 70s of earlier this morning). Definitely a big difference compared to yesterday at this time when it was 86 - almost 20 degrees warmer!
  9. Paul - you might want to check with exterior house antenna installers. I expect that if you can provide them the proper bracket(s) for it, then they at least have the ladders/bucket truck to get up there and would know where to position it. Main issue of course would be getting it aligned so that it is leveled/facing north, etc. I always envisioned "flying cars" would end up being like this (realistically) -
  10. Had another smaller round of rain overnight with an additional 0.07" to give me a total of 0.35" for the day. Also had a brief shower this morning around 3:30 am giving me 0.01" but also making it real soupy out. Currently 79 and party sunny with lots of cirrus.
  11. Picked up 0.28" (around 1"/hr at times) from that round and it was much needed. That dropped the temp down to 75 but then upped the dp to the mid-70s as well.
  12. And now getting rain.... Last rain here was on 8/14 and I was getting close to having to pull out the hose!
  13. Hearing thunder and am on the southern fringe of this line. It did make it up to 90 here today (4th consecutive 90/90+ day). Currently 84 with dps fluctuating in the low 70s.
  14. LOL Was just about to post. I am currently 91 here and this is my 3rd 90+ reading. Lots of cumulus out there though so that has been a factor for keeping it from ramping up even higher I think.
  15. The 92 did end up being my high yesterday here in NW Philly. It briefly dropped down to 84 as the storms moved south of me towards Jersey (had no rain here but heard that Manyunk got slammed), but then the temp recovered back up to 89 about an hour or so later. The dews did drop down into the upper 60s (from the low 70s). What was cool was the red sunset to remind me of RedSky (who was apparently getting nailed). Currently 84 and sunny with a few wispy cirrus here and there. As a sidenote - ever since last week, there have been almost non-stop cicadas going - from dawn to dusk. It's been pretty jarring to say the least (at least in terms of the continuous droning of them). The brood X that had hatched this year are way over in western PA but I'm guessing these are some 13-year type (not the red-eyed ones) that happened to be prolific this year. I've been seeing an increased number of them flying around too.
  16. Pop-up storm is moving a few miles south of me and I had gotten up to 92 before it clouded up from that. Down to 86 now although I expect it will go back up again since the sun just popped back out despite the threatening clouds all around.
  17. Made it up to 91 here today with a low of 74. The humidity was awful to boot with dews in the low-mid 70s much of the day. Currently 77 and have been watching the storms firing north and west of here on and off... Not sure if any will survive to fringe me but we'll see.
  18. Sun out and didn't get the fog (not sure if I will despite the heavy rain yesterday, although I am not really in a low-lying area). Temp is 70.
  19. Finished up with 1.03" of rain yesterday. Currently 71 and misty (not seeing dense fog yet but expect it is coming).
  20. Hit the 1.00" mark. Still getting some light rain and temp is at 72.
  21. EAS just went out... Now up to 0.71" total for the day (1.77"/hr rate). ETA - Flash Flood Warning upgrade for certain areas -
  22. Getting > 1.5"/hr rates and am up to 0.60" total for the day so far. Temp down to 73.
  23. I think PECO was able to halt it here because we weren't impacted where I am. And as a note - I had 0.14" of rain earlier today but am starting to get doused pretty good as a band is pushing down into my area. Have been seeing significant lightning the past 20 minutes or so and am now hearing thunder. Temp is 76 with dp 71.
  24. I managed to get 0.01" (so far) here in NW Philly from a diffuse band that rippled up through the city from the southwest (am guessing as part of the wavering warm front). The one thing it also did was send the dews soaring into the low 70s. Currently overcast and 76 (temps did make it to 82 as a high here today).
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