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Hurricane Agnes

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Everything posted by Hurricane Agnes

  1. And the opener was postponed. And I remember a certain World Series game years ago when the rain was just coming down like crazy. Well I was able to get out early this afternoon, take care of an appointment, get air in one of my tires, and get home just as it started spritzing. Getting heavier showers now. Past couple days of highs/lows were 52/32 & 58/36. This morning's low was a milder 42 and made it up to 49 before the rain started. Currently 46 with light rain, dp 44, and 0.09" in the bucket at post time.
  2. And the winds have arrived here. Literally has the house creaking and groaning. Temp down to 36 with dp 30.
  3. Had one more bucket tip to finish up with 3.24" and the sun popped out within the past hour. Made it up to 47 for a high but the temp and dp are dropping quickly. Currently partly sunny and 41 with dp 37.
  4. The back edge is pivoting away and I'm currently at 3.23" in the bucket. Temp is currently 46 with dp 46.
  5. I had been following the Climatology section on this for the CWA - I crossed over the 3" mark within the past 30 minutes and am currently sitting at 3.04" in the bucket. The heaviest rates were upwards of about 3/4" an hour so far today. Currently 45 with moderate rain and dp 45.
  6. When I heard about this on the news, I was thinking of folks in this forum and whether any were near that. Just sad. Past couple mornings here have had lows at or below hard freeze temps. I.e., high/lows for Thurs. & Fri. were 42/28 & 46/27. The dry air with dps down in the teens earlier in the week seemed to help the radiational cooling. There have been a lot of saucer magnolias around here that have been in full bloom although now just past peak, so some of those got hit with petal damage along with some of the early cherries (also past peak). The daffodils that have been blooming in the area didn't get phased by it, as they are pretty tough. Currently have light - moderate rain (0.40" in the bucket at post time), with a low of 39 that happened about 1:30 this morning. Temp has crept up to 42 with dp 42.
  7. https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.shtml ENSO advisory notes a "La Nina Watch". Expectations to go ENSO neutral starting in April through to June and then La Nina reappearing over the summer. Will have to see if that pans out. Ended up with a high of 76 yesterday after a 47 low and it's currently a mild 56 with dp 47.
  8. LOL I remember as a senior in high school back in '79, my high school Physics class took a trip there while it was under construction (the cooling towers were just being built). The PECO tour guide told us that when it was completed, our electric bills would be reduced to $3 a month! Anyway, it was a gorgeous day today with daffodils in bloom and even some cherry trees. I ended up with a high/low of 66/37 yesterday, and 71/41 today. My last 70+ temp was Oct. 27 of last year. Currently 56 with dp 38.
  9. Actually gave me a 0.1" dusting of graupel and rimed flakes. Sun peaking out with some leftover flurries. ETA temp down to 36 with dp 32..
  10. Nothing here yet but sun and some dark clouds off to the west. My Upper Darby sis texted that she was under snow squall #2 where she is. Temp is down to 42 here with dp continuing to fall and at 28. ETA - will have to see if that cell makes it here.
  11. It did something dramatic. Sun had come out here some time around 9:30 am and then before 11 am, it got dark (was thinking maybe a squall or something but it was too warm for that). Then had the brief light shower and temp drop. Sun is slowly coming out again and temp is back up to 47.
  12. It was a "line" of something that came through. Had brief non-measurable rain here but it did drop the temp from 50 back down to 43.
  13. Finished up with 1.78" of rain yesterday and so far this morning, bottomed out at 43. Currently a misty 44 with dp 42.
  14. Bottomed out at 39 this morning and only made it up to 48 as a high with some light rain (once it started) much of the day. The rain has suddenly picked up here in the last hour or so and I'm now up to an 1.04" at post time with almost 1"/hr rates. Some winds are starting to kick in and am currently at 48 with dp 47.
  15. Ended up with lows/highs for Wed & Thurs. of 47/50 & 46/56, with 1.16" in the bucket Wed. & 0.04" yesterday (2-day total of 1.20"). My low this morning was cooler than the past couple days, at 39 and so far hit 55 for a high. Was able to get some fertilizer out on the plants this afternoon ahead of this weekend's rain. The sun has been out much of the day but the clouds are starting to roll in now so it's currently partly sunny and 54 with dp 34.
  16. Had a low of 42 this morning and it hasn't moved that much today with the rain. Currently have some light rain and a temp of 46 (the high so far) and 0.39" in the bucket. Can obviously see where the low is! lol
  17. I eventually managed to tap 64 for a high yesterday and had a 44 low this morning. Something came through around 4 pm today and knocked the temps down a bit (it had already clouded up before then), where I hit 65 for a high but am now down to 59, with some stratocumulus overspreading the sky, and dp 50.
  18. Ended up hitting 54 yesterday after a low of 38 and picked up 1.50" of rain then. This morning's low was 44 and am currently at my high so far today of 63, with fluffy cumulus drifting in, and a dp of 51.
  19. Made it up to 49 for a high today and am watching the junk 'n stuff on the radar headed this way. Currently 40 with dp 28.
  20. Ended up hitting 41 for a high on that Feb. 29 leap day after a 30 low and finished up the month with 1.82" of rain/sleet/snow melt (which is probably low due to snow clogging the bucket). Currently 27 with dp 19.
  21. Cooler air now filtering in. Am down to 48 and falling. Have 0.31" in the bucket (0.40" 2-day), with some light rain and with some kite-flying winds!
  22. Finally heard something akin to a gust front come through, but the rain has been pretty minimal. Before the latest round, I had 0.23" (+ 0.09" from yesterday for 2-day 0.32). Currently have 0.29" in the bucket for today with some light rain. Temp is currently 53 with dp 50, so the colder air hasn't arrived yet.
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