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Everything posted by Twilly05

  1. Did I hear ne md? Well yes, yes I did. After all, it is IMBY sport. Lol
  2. Ne Maryland. We take. Rooting for 50 mile west trend so everyone can play!
  3. I just come here for weather updates. If I wanted the rest of this, I can just go down to my local Walmart/Kmart. smh nonsense
  4. Go chase something Charles and when you catch it, shove it. Geez… kick squirrels too?
  5. I am a simple man I root for the model that currently shows up with the most snow. Like I said, simple
  6. I used to live on that blue ball road in n md. The area was also called pleasant hill! Anytime I ordered something over the phone, the person would chuckle
  7. Blue balls in pa is also near intercourse, pa. so Virginia has some competition!
  8. I said days ago it would end up either an apps runner/cutter or it would jump to the coast. For snow lovers on the coastal plain, we rolled snake eyes. It “jumped” the wrong way. Smh
  9. Headed there myself tired Of this storm
  10. I’ll smoke whatever you are smoking and I won’t apologize for it…at all
  11. There should be an 11 on that scale
  12. You get mush…pretty much what this storm looks to deliver.
  13. Still can’t buy nc/va state line on the coast to se pa my instincts are screaming that this bomb adjusts East and hugs the coast. Top of the bay gets a thump, changeover, dryslot drizzle and the a consolation inch or two backside
  14. I think this ends up a true cutter (hello Pittsburgh) or it hugs the coast. Growing up and living my whole life at the top of the bay, I don’t remember too many storms going straight north thru dc to central pa. Just my two cents which is all it’s worth.
  15. First time poster. Been watching and learning here for a few years. Have to say I am drawn in by the sarcasm and the pithy humor. Would rather have a swing and a miss than 36 and stinging rain. I think all 3 options still pretty much on the table. Rooting for hecs. Always.
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