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Posts posted by WxSynopsisDavid

  1. Here we go with this BS we endured after Katrina. The ignorance of some people…idk why I even try. What’s said is I even scrolled through Twitter and saw post from local Mets down there saying “we had little time to prepare” or “this was only suppose to be a weak hurricane”



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  2. 1 minute ago, beanskip said:

    Surge pictures are incredible. Watching CNN right now with Bill Weir in Punta Gorda currently in the eye. I must say the wind damage is surprisingly less than I would expect from a strong Cat 4. 

    Unfortunately we never know the true extent of the wind damage until after the fact

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  3. 2 minutes ago, olafminesaw said:

    Looks like it's starting to feel the shear a bit

    Really doesn’t matter now, damage has been done. Whether it stays 155mph or weakens to 130mph, or perhaps 110mph, the surge event is going to be catastrophic. Too late in my opinion

    • Like 8
  4. 1 minute ago, Amped said:

    Environmental pressure is running a bit high, so this is getting close to Hugo. 

    A major at landfall looking likely at this point, unless it stalls just offshore while shear eats it alive. 

    It’s also now over a branch of the loop current which is also aiding the RI we are seeing….along with friction and angle of approach.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, AnthonyEC said:

    Is it just me or is it heading just west of north?  It has been a long day and I may be seeing things. 

    may be just directly north over the entire radar presentation. 

    Its wobbling back and forth, which TC's typically do as their tracks are not smooth

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  6. 1 minute ago, turtlehurricane said:

    Based on the radar, ERC is still wrapping up, which explains pressure increase.

    In my view, it looks like another round of RI about to begin, especially cause convective DMAX is starting. 

    The angle of approach and potential friction Ian is feeling would likely enhance any RI process that commences. Correct me if im wrong, given what I just said and the environment Ian is in, this is not the time to have a major hurricane undergo RI. There's little real estate between Ian and Florida now. Also, the classic limiting factors like dry air and shear have done nothing to limit/hinder Ian. With the deep convection primarily located upshear like what was noted by someone else in here earlier, Ian will continue to be resilient to dry air/shear.

    • Weenie 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, Hotair said:

    This model is calling for Sanibel landfall

    Our short-range high-resolution weather models are now close enough to landfall for a forecast. This is the High Resolution Rapid Refresh model. Comes out every hour. This run brings #Ian to Sanibel 2 pm


    I really want to comment to this on Twitter but I feel it’s a waste of time. If he’s that ignorant to be using the HRRR right now it will be like talking to a brick wall to make a point. I really wish, as a local met down there, he will focus more on the environment and mesoscale instead of the HRRR’s ever so changing hourly landfall locations. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, StantonParkHoya said:

    HWRF just took the storm from Columbus Ga to Columbia SC in one run… it’s… something 

    Yes they are hurricane models but they tend to have issues concerning inland tracks at this range. For the time being I would be more focused and concerned with the environment they depict later tonight ahead of Ian

    • Weenie 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, AnthonyEC said:

    HWRF and HMON always seem to overdo pressure drops. 

    True but we are now inside the short range and those models are extremely efficient with picking up mesoscale features. I would be concerned with the environment they are depicting later tonight and why they are rapidly intensifying Ian. I haven’t looked at the runs yet so idk what they are picking up but I’ll give them a look and see

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  10. Just now, jm1220 said:

    Looks like this EWRC will be completed pretty rapidly. Wonder if it’ll have time to strengthen more/consolidate the new eye before landfall. 

    It has time but it’s just a matter of “if” Ian can take advantage of the environment it’s in

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